Hey people, its mewmewlover55, well now MewMew, from myotaku.com :)

A little bit about myself :D

Name: Rachel

  • Birthday: 1/1/92
  • Age: 22
  • Likes: drawing, anime, boys ^_~, photoshop, copic markers, playing the flute and piano, spanish, biology, snow, ice cream
  • Dislikes: ART THEIVES (u ppl suck lol), obnoxious people, my chemistry class, my little brother, pizza, bad grades, dead copic markers lol

I hope that you guys check out my gallery, i try to draw and update as much as i can
For most of my art i use copic sketch markers, or prisma colored pencils, sometimes i use photoshop but i suck at it lmao.
If u guys like my art i hope you subscribe me, i love making new friends :)


If you wana talk to me pm me or sumthin

Other accounts of mine:
sheezyart Heavenstar (innactive ^^')
deviantart Shunshuu-tsunami

la la la

2nd week fo sophomore year... zomg

insane flash project... is.... FUN/boring. I have a graphic design class but it starts at 8 in the morning and goes till 10:40.. i'm way too tired to move things frame by frame that early o_e... but so far it's looking alright. i have to like sit down when i'm wide awake and work at it o-o


painting class is alright. i was interrupted mid sentence by the teacher because i was giving a suggestion for a critique... i thought that u were supposed to give suggestions to better the other persons work.. guess not? w/e lolz


band is awesome as always


art history- boring, easy.


asian art history- i have no idea wtf is going on in that class.. have it once a week,, so hopefully the teacher wont be such a ditz tomorrow and stay on topic.


women in lit- best class EVER. love the teacher <3


how is everyone :D

oh cool

i'm back in college

WOO DORM ROOM/ i have a huge kitty poster on my wall

I gots to post somethin o-o


*so excited* 8D

it's gonna be a great year :3 ... i'm just a little nervous @.@ .. always for the first day of classes i'm nervous, so i'm gonna be o-e until like... the middle of the 25th lol. also my painting class im not exactly signed up for because its' full but the teacher said that she'll put me in it if i show up the first day :3 so yay i hope that goes well.

i think i ordered all of my books and now i just have to wait for them. still have some random things to buy... I GOT BOOTS TODAY YAY. i destroyed my boots.. i wore them in the rain, snow, woods.. mud.. O-e got drinks on em.. oh boy. they have holes in em too XD so i think it was time to get new ones lolz


i have two pieces of art i need to submit too, i havent been able to get the scanner to connect to my computer.. but i think i almost figured it out :3


um a lum . idk wat else to say o-o




i submitted art? LIES

External Image

how was my weekend?
