Real rant time D:(

Okay, get ready, this is the real deal.

This IS a touchy subject, that I'm sure will earn me a few enemies, but I'm one to not care. It's about comments (Praise namely), and comment's big brother: criticism. It's natural for people to give the first part, but many are reluctant to give the second part. Some fear the second part. Why fear it? Because it's simple: People don't like others to point out people's flaws.

I present say; a grammatically wrong essay (Perhaps this one!), and someone tears into it and tells me, "You have HORRIBLE grammer, and should work on that!". Should I cry and attack them, saying they are mean and shouldn't say anything on my work? Or should I step back, look at my work and perhaps instead say that they are right?

This is controversial, simply because different people present different kinds of criticism. Some WILL be mean, simply because they are naturally that way, while others will be nice in their criticism. Criticism is a part of life, you can't get around it. Some day you WILL have to grow up and accept it, or go home to your mommy and daddy and cry that some person said your lines on your drawing are "A bit messy". Perhaps I'm being mean on this? Maybe, but I've gotten fed up with it happening to me, and other artists as well.

I am going to state to anyone reading this: I am not mean. I do not try to be mean, and will apologize for any offense I may give people. I'm going to get mean however, if people can't learn to take some light criticism. When I myself say "Your lines could use some work, but otherwise, the pic is alright!", do I sound like I'm TRYING to down your picture, or you? Do I SOUND like I'm outright attacking you and trying to make your picture seem lesser than what it is? I'd say no myself, though that's my opinion. I'm trying to help whomever I direct my criticism to to become better. I WANT to see another artist create better and better art, and it would bring me no end of joy to know I took a part in it.

But; when a person refuses to listen, and all they do is stay with the same mistakes throughout their art for years to come, they'll probably pay for it in the end.

Am I perfect? Heck no. I have a lot to learn myself. Do I know a lot? I'd say maybe. Should I be giving out advice? If I feel the need, I'll give the help, and hope people take it the right way, and not freak out because I said, "Your lines are kind of messy, but otherwise alright.".

Seriously people: I have free rights to comment on a drawing, or work as I please, and would never abuse such a privilege to attack someone through words. My only intention is to help others, as should be others perhaps for me if they see the need. Criticism is a powerful tool, and I would never abuse it to outright hurt someone, only to help. The problem is them recognizing it as help or not.

I'm here to help. Learn this, and know this: I may comment and criticize your piece one day, and when I do, I shall do it in the most polite and respectful way possible. If you take it the wrong way and freak out on me, I'll leave you alone and simply say it's not worth it to get into it.

Now, what about the little brother, comments (To a lesser extent, praise)? Everyone loves comments, I myself love comments. It brings me joy to know someone took the time to say something about my piece (That means someone actually found my art good enough to say something on!). It seems however, comments are all many people want to see. They want their picture to be golden happy fun and never be wrong. People do hate to be wrong. I hate to be wrong. The matter of accepting being wrong is something people have to learn too.

Do I give comments? Heck yeah, my comments can be found in my criticism (by comments I mean praise a lot of the time, I guess a whole post on a work would be a comment ... leave me alone :P), like up a bit I said, "Your lines could use a bit of work, but otherwise, the pic is alright!". I do combos myself, so it's hard to see my praise from my criticism, as many people might just stop at the 'negative comments', and never get to the 'positive comments'.

Maybe I should give up. It's tough to fight a majority of people, and kind of silly too. Perhaps instead all of my comments anymore should just be praise. It's what the people want right? I could be a politician. Say the things people want to hear, not the harsh realities of life! Yeah that works. No. That's a little harsh I'll admit. Omit that last part! D:

I'm done. Done as I'll ever be. You know what? If someone can find some words to help this become better, I'll be thrilled, I swear I will. (Seriously, I will, if you think there's sarcasm in there, you fail >8D)

Got a problem with this and hate my guts now? Re-read it and think about it, with some sense please, but if you still can't think of anything but hate for me; love you too. I'm again not trying to make anyone angry, but I'm sure I will without even trying. Biased? Perhaps. Say something and maybe you can sway my mind, please do so.


P.S. If someone says in their description of a picture "Comment and vote!", and I feel the need to comment, more commonly, I give not just comments, but C&C (comments and criticism, not Command and Conquer for you PC gaming nuts) to the picture. If you complain about anything I say, your the one who asked for people to give their comments, more importantly, what they think about your work.
