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They lived in the woods for the next three years, give or take. Ornthal started teaching his sister an entirely new set of skills. She took to Ranger skills much more happily than thieving. She wondered how Ornthal knew all the things he taught her. Who had taught these things to him? Their entire lives, he'd had no friends and few allies. She often tried to ask him about The People in this time. He inevitably would become angry, then dangerous. They often sparred, but he had never hit her out of malice, until the night she left him.

On a rainy night she once again asked him about The People. For what seemed like the millionth time he would parry her questions, but she wasn't giving up. Even when he stood and looked more angry than she'd ever seen him. She continued to press the issue when suddenly he punched her in the gut with his left hand. She doubled over, unable to catch her breath. She suddenly had anger to match his. Anger that was hiding something. Anger that he'd hit her. Anger that he was going easy on her by using his left hand. She straightened herself and landed a solid punch on his jaw. This went on for what seemed like ages. They'd tumbled out of the tent into the rain and faced off until both fell in the mud, more from exhaustion than actual pain.

There drenched, muddy, and angry Ornthal finally gave in, telling his sister they had belonged to The People, but now they belonged to each other and to the world. He told her what he knew of The People, not hiding his disdain. He told her how he'd escaped and saved her from them. Opal was furious and berated him for his selfishness and stealing her from a family. "If you want a FAMILY so much, go and find them. You still have almost six years until your Naming."

Opal had no idea what that meant, but she took his invitation to leave that night. She packed her satchel with her meager life and left him there in the rain.