Random world for my boring life that no one cares about. Also, I'll be posting artings here too.





I realize I don't really post much here (or on any art site for that matter) and I feel like it's because I just sketch all day. So... I'm gonna get a new tablet (fingers crossed!) and see if I'll draw more......... "completed" works. Until then... well... shrug. These days I'm more focused on my music. Maybe I'll put up a recording :O


My recent hobbies include posting here, copy-pasting hate i receive in group chats, and crying over spilled milk. There's actually not much i do with my life anymore xD. Maybe that's sad. I should post more often.

Anyways, I've created a sketch blog, which i update more than my other sites, if that's believable. for now its http://ripehaku.tumblr.com. i havent found a better url yet xD. Anyways, the stuff there is actually pretty bad but thats pretty much how/what i draw during times like this when artblock is hittin me hard. lol

I've not much to say these days it seems.

Piece oút


Well, I found my tablet pen.

The unfortunate thing about that was the fact that I lost my actual tablet, too. I thought I knew where it was but apparently I had misplaced it. Even worse, I found another tablet, but it's small and glitchy. Beggars can't be choosers I guess. lol.

It does mostly what I want it to do, but unfortunately, I still don't have pen pressure. I kind of miss it. I guess I'd still use no-pressure since it's easier to sketch that way, but I miss using the brush tool lolll. and stabilizer. Sometimes that comes in handy. I've been on and off with drawing. there was a point in time where I would make myself put a pencil to paper every day for like a week. It was a small amount of time, but I think it kind of helped. I've been trying to work on new things (though it doesn't seem like it) and I like it. Of course a lot of it isn't what I want it to be exactly, but I'm trying to keep in mind that it takes time xD. I think the quote is, "Rome wasn't built in a day." So, yeah.

I have been posting sketches, but I generally like to show off work that I have actually finished, or that I like. I don't finish much; I'm mostly a sketch artist. If that makes sense xD. I just like my sketches more... I really need to work on making finished pieces. I think my most recent, huge project was the himico one, and that was 2 years ago. I need to step my game up!

I've also recently adapted that weird "tumblr style" and it's killing me. Y'know, I think people classify it as those droopy eyes and pink cheeks and noses and shit. I mean... personally, I like it (to an extent) when others do it! I just hate it for me. I loved it before, now it's all I can do and I hate it. I guess... I just need to keep working on developing my own stuff. lol.

That's it, I think. I talked a lot here today.

peace out


I find it interesting that I publish more posts here in this little world than I do on my blog. Y'know, the one made for stuff like this.

Anyways, I haven't found my tablet pen and I've been too lazy to look for one online until today (perhaps... I'm still procrastinating). I'm also planning to make a cosplay for this thing in october... yeah, that one.

I'll probably post pictures if I get around to it. I hope it turns out nicely.

There's not much to say these days.


I lost my tablet pen. Those pieces of shit are not cheap. I want to draw in sai again and go back to posting 1 thing every 5 years. I think I've lost my motivation to draw. At least for the time being. I've lost motivation to do anything it seems. Whatever.

I'll draw more soon.