Hey i made this world for personal reasons so it's not exactly about anything specific sorry.

My room

Bright light wafted through the windows of my room pirouetted across my personal wonderland. The windows open towards a world that enchanted and tortured me, like a forbidden fruit I was not permitted to eat. This world came closer, and then suddenly vanished into the shadows leaving only its essence behind. Even though permitted limited access to these mysteries, they lured me into their enchanting web.
Inside my caged sanctuary, lay a sofa, and words that could be found in every breath of air. Displayed on the shelves, they hid within the closet; these great pieces of literature tempted me to explore the unseen. These books rested on the shelves like an array of awards, which I proudly exhibited, a feeling I had no right to claim for I was but the audience to their wonderful stories. Scattered across my small universe, these books sat on top of one another in no apparent order. Some blue, some small, others dusty, they brought a different and welcomed kind of life into my room, whispering stories into my dreams through out the night. In a minute, I sat next to Scout, listening as Atticus spoke to the jury during the trial. Another minute passed, my hair ran wildly in the wind and dust filled the seams of my eyes, while I rode across the Arabian dessert with the forty thieves. Yet another moment past, and I sat in the room and heard the heart that beat under the floorboards. Ba-dump ba-dump, ba-dump it went, as I listened to the old man’s heart I suddenly understood what would have caused the narrator to go mad, in the Tell-Tale Heart. As dust danced through the rough pages of my books, I looked at “A tale of two cities”, “Inkheart”, “The alchemist”, and many more that I had still to read. My heartbeat grew faster as I anticipated those that still lay on the shelves, waiting to tell me their stories. They provided me with an escape, with insight, and drove me through many different adventures filling me with feelings I had yet to even dream about, and as I dove deeper into their world I knew for certain that it was a favor I could never repay. I sat there on my throne for what seemed like a minute part of an endless eternity, traveling made up worlds with rapid speed, desperate to catch a glimpse of what I had yet to experience, of what I had yet to learn.
I stood at the center of my small but certain universe, and looked towards the walls. Making a simple turn of their room would reveal the many maps that covered the corners, leaving only random spots of color of something that was once my wall. They told me of the oceans in which I had yet to swim, countries in which I had yet to step, and skies I longed to reach for. Making an attempt to keep these dream filled destinations, from disappearing, in the depths of my cluttered mind I placed pins on these very maps. Though I’ve tried, with each passing day, I gain new things, which I yearn to experience, and the old leave me. They create the puzzle pieces, which I desperately try to place together. Next to them lay small puzzle pieces of places, which I still dream about, creating a picture that keeps growing bigger. Due to these events, I look forward to my journey more rapidly than before. I watch time pass, and I wait for the each long winded second to pass, and I await the moment in which I can go towards the stars and search for my answers. I desperately wait for the day I can spread my wings into the unknown skies.
In regards to your questions, I suppose the room tells you more about what I hope to become in regards to the world I enter, instead of the person I am right now, although that in itself may tell you more than I expected. The only steadfast truth that I can tell you is that I yearn for the freedom in the truest sense of the word. I wish to piece together a few puzzle pieces, and hopefully find even more.
Knowledge and wisdom are the only things, which can give me the wings I desire. The words I will read one day will only provide the path towards the sky. My innate skills will help in placing together these puzzle pieces, and transforming me into someone who can help those that surround her. This dream will provide me with the path that I seek to travel.
One day the skies will pass above me, and ask, “How is your search for answers going?” “Fine, Fine”, I will smile while answering back, “I’m coming up with new questions every day.” This is how I imagine it will turn out, but who knows? Reality rarely turns out as we imagine it; sometimes it’s even better.
Thank you

Just another girl

Do you ever feel lonely? Like there is a big hole inside you that your are waiting to be filled. Like someone will come along and fill it. A mysterious someone whose name you don’t know, whose face is a mystery, and who’s dreams you see at night. You hear his foot steps at night going through your dreams and then suddenly POOF you wake up. What kind of world is this? Where you dream about an unknown someone? Where you see someone else’s eyes in the mirror? Who’s laughter you hear vibrating from the sky. I experience a deep loneliness as deep as a black hole. As dark and your darkest nightmare. As unknown as the person you dream of at night. Imagine seeing his likeness, and then having it disappear. Imagine the despair. Imagine that blissful happiness being taken away, then imagine the emptiness that followed. I don’t know who this stranger is a see at night. Sometimes his eyes are brown, sometimes blue, and something their fogged over with love for me. The day I meet this special someone I vow I will try my best to keep him within my reach. Because I will remember the days where I dreamed of his name, saw his face, and heard his footsteps through out the night. Have you met your special someone? If you have be thankful. Because for those who haven’t, his footsteps haunt us through out the night. Sometimes loneliness is to hard to fight away.
