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Welcome to my world, everyone!

Let me introduce myself. *bow* I have a secret crush on....myself. JK I love myself, but not so much that I become a narcissus. xD

I am a high school student, who has a tendency to constantly fall asleep in class. And when not sleeping, playing on my itouch. My teachers don't mind as I am one of the top students in all my classes. :D I hope it stays that way when I start being able to take AP classes next year!

I love making wallpapers/ecards. Anything digital and not related to me having to draw. My drawings usually end in disasters. >.>

That's about all I can say for myself. :P Anyways, enjoy your time here!

Birthday Troll

Thanks to everyone for their amazing birthday wishes! I got tons of wishes in my guestbook, gifts from so many of you (i wanted to give gifts to all of you guys back, but ran out of gifts to give :( ), and dedications from many! It was such a nice surprise with all that, and the party in the chatroom! (special thanks to CitrusStorm and LSGM0!)

*huggles you all*

You guys made my birthday this year so special! Despite the fact that I'm alone at home, you all cheered me up as soon as I woke up! I love you all soooo much!

Anyways, as many of you guys know, my friends in real life (and facebook) totally didn't know today's my birthday due to the fact my birthday on facebook is fake. So, I decided to wait and see how many notice my sister's post of happy birthday to me....and no one did! So, now it's almost 10, so I posted the below picture on my facebook account:

AND THEY WERE ALL SHOCKED. hahahahahahaha. ah, sometimes, you just gotta create your own entertainment. :3

I feel like such a troll~!

Forever Alone :(

Ah, it's almost my birthday.

And yet, I'm celebrating it all by myself. Just me and my computer, and homework. So exciting.

My family left me all alone to go to the other side of America for a wedding. I can't go because of school. Now here I am, feeling loneliness finally creep in. *sigh*

[No Title Available, yay]

Ah, I've been wanting to make wallpapers for so long already!

But no good scans are showing up. *pouts*

WHYYYY. I'm desperate for good scans!

The actual good ones I find are either already overused, or they show the girl's underwear. I like to keep my wallpapers PG, thank you very much. >.<

Warning: below gif has mild language
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I'd Always Wondered.....

You know? I'd always wondered...the woman that speaks on the news, when its showing a footage of something, is it the same woman? Because the voice is always the same.....

Creepy o.O
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Yea, just a random thought.

Ah, and it's storming over at where I live which is pretty rare! We've got hail, rain, and huge winds, and it sounds like what you hear on the news when a hurricane is here, only louder~ I don't know whether to be happy or sad. >.>

I'm Sick :(

Yep, I'm sick. Got a fever, throat hurts like shiz, coughing a lot.


Boooooo. I was so looking forward to todays! But, I can't even see straight and the pill would wear off before I start my events, so it's like, noooooooo.

*goes to cry in the corner*