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Welcome to my world, everyone!

Let me introduce myself. *bow* I have a secret crush on....myself. JK I love myself, but not so much that I become a narcissus. xD

I am a high school student, who has a tendency to constantly fall asleep in class. And when not sleeping, playing on my itouch. My teachers don't mind as I am one of the top students in all my classes. :D I hope it stays that way when I start being able to take AP classes next year!

I love making wallpapers/ecards. Anything digital and not related to me having to draw. My drawings usually end in disasters. >.>

That's about all I can say for myself. :P Anyways, enjoy your time here!

My Wrist...

I've found my wrist to start bothering me these days....causing it to be really hard to do anything practically. Whenever I move it the slightest, it cracks. And it cracks LOUD.

I'm not old....far from it, and the cracking isn't just causing pain in the wrist, but also my thumb, and down to 3 inches below my wrist. I'm really scared as to why it may be cracking and hurting so badly. It started when I had swim pe...and you can't really hit a wrist against something in a pool.....besides water.

My dad isn't even caring, and so my mom just told me to use an ice pack. I hope it gets better soon! It'll be great to have it back to normal!

Coke and Mentos

We had a coke and mentos lab competition in chem class today! We could do anything we wanted to it, as long as we don't have anything that'll break school rules.

I had my contraption built all awesome looking and everything- but I had miscalculated the amount of mentos, so the mentos touched the coke before I was even ready! >.<

So, there went all my hope for the extra credit xD

How I then felt:
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I seem to be slacking off these days...SO.....
NEW GOAL: Create at least one wallpaper every 2 days.


So, let's see how far I can go with this goal? xD

And I better set some rules, otherwise I'll start making excuses:
1. I am not allowed to complain that I have too much homework, or have a test the next day, using those as excuses to not make a wallpaper. Because truth is, I never even study that much for tests. >.>
2. I must submit the wallpaper before 11:59 pm. heh.
3. The only time I can not follow the goal is when I have 2 days in a row not having access to my computer AT ALL.
4. Even if I can't find good scans, THAT IS NOT AN EXCUSE.
5. iPhone wallpapers count. Only, if I make that, I must make 2 each time.
6. E-cards do not count.

Ok, this is gonna be hard, yet an interesting project to see how I'll do. :3

If I end up not doing the goal....you guys can help think up of a punishment for me. Be as harsh as possible! xD

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Voice Meme! :D

Angel Satina reminded me of how I've never done a meme before, so I decided I should make one! >:D

I still have questions from last time, when I asked for it, but then cancelled it, because there weren't enough questions. Anyways, here are those questions:

Twilight samurai:
How did you come across theOtaku?

>Can you say your name (Username) backwords?
>Scariest thing taht has ever happened in your life?
>Food or art?
>What do you think of me? :3
>Cute or fluffy things?
>What is the longest word you know how to spell or say?
>How many languages can you speak?
>Your house is on fire, what are 3 things you would grab before you run outside?

- Beside Anime what is your favorite pass time?
- If you could go anywhere in the world where and why would that be?
- What is something you think would be awesome to do but scared to try?
- You think there is other life in the universe?
- You play video games? If so which is your favorite game of all times?
- Do you like teddy bears?

Twilight, Tinkerer, and Itachi, you guys can ask more questions if you'd like. :3

As for everyone else, feel free to ask me questions! I'll answer probably like 5 questions from everyone. xD

Soo....ask away!

- Potatoes or rice?
- In your opinion, what is the most valuable asset in a soulmate?
- If Charles Dickens were alive today and wasn't an author, what profession do you think he'd have instead?
- What kind of music would you annihilate from the face of the Earth?
- Why doesn't the grass curl? Why does it grow straight up?

Angel Satina
Cat or dog?
Whats your opinion about me?
Which anime char do you like to meet? And why?
If you were given a free ticket to travel anyhere where would you go first?
Icecream or milkshake?




So in English class, we had to do a speech about whoever our hero is. And I was the 6th person to go, which is the last person for just today. And, everyone else's were in monotone, so when I was watching, I kept thinking "I gotta make mine not monotone so it's more interesting". AND I SUCCEEDED

My teacher, whose famous for being one of the strictest, even gave me a high score! Which is really rare from her. :3

Everyone was saying how awesome my speech was after class ended, so I'm really proud. Woot woot~!

And I was the only person who didn't have technological difficulties. BOOYA. I knew there were benefits to being a computer freak xD

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