I am tehmekemonster! If you are looking for random tidbits and words you've come to the right place! You can read as much as you want of that here! Feel free to tell me what you think of all of it too! Writing it doesn't do me any good if no one tells me how it could be better!!

have fun, okay?

the endevors of being a newbie

How does it feel being new? Like a brick on my head, in a sort of pressing way. As if sed brick were placed on my head, not dropped. So you feel the pressure slowly get worse and worse until you take the frickin' brick off your head! That's kind of how it is being new on a site, you get the sense of starting over and starting at the bottom of the food chain. Oh here we go again!

But I over exaggerate! how is it really? for real? odd, but still a bit brick-y! Do you like ducks? good, you'll like this then it's a fever dream of mine hope you enjoy!

I was sick one night, alone and sick with a high fever. I knew I shouldn't be walking all over the house but I was still awake and restless at eleven o' clock. Good little girls (the sick ones at least)should be in bed sleeping. I stepped out of my room for the fifth time that night and was startled at the change of lighting and temperature. It was bright and warm like a sauna or spa. A slip n' slide and been stretched down the stairs and a water spout was gushing water like Niagara falls! There were also thousands of ducks; rubber ducks, yellow and happy gently floating and bobbing about into the landing below.

At the bottom I ran in to a person who only existed in my favorite animes, he was the notorious blue haired character! He was sitting calmly, counting ducks and being mysterious when I confronted him.

"hey!" I stomped right up to him,"what are you doing here?"

"why, I was taking care of these ducks" he said nonchalantly.

"and my house, my living space, was a place to do that!" I shouted in disregard to the sleeping people upstairs.

"it's fine," he answered calmly, "we can just go watch a movie"

And watch a movie we did.

like it? sure hope so!
