I am tehmekemonster! If you are looking for random tidbits and words you've come to the right place! You can read as much as you want of that here! Feel free to tell me what you think of all of it too! Writing it doesn't do me any good if no one tells me how it could be better!!

have fun, okay?

the endeavors of battle

.:Just a quick question to my readers, anyone ever played league of legends? It's like dota and it's really fun. But to get good you have to get geeky!:.

anyway, have you ever fought in a battle? have you ever felt like victory depended on you? has the feeling of defeat ever sank into your soul? well, now you can at least read about it.....

At night I was used to dreams of fighting a glory but never had I ever expected that I would make it here with dreams alone! The feilds of justice spread out before me. Spralling and windswept, it seemed to beckon for me to run deeper into it's craigy dangers. Not only was it crawling with creepers, but there were five other champions roaming about as well. The only difference between me and them was.... well everything. They were full grown warriors with the weapons and scars to show it. What was I? A little kid who stumbled upon this place in a dream and happen to get stuck there!

A team member came over and smacked me right in the shoulder. i almost fell over; his hand was enormous!

"you new here?" I didn't even need to answer for him to see that I was "well, good luck to ya newbie." He dashed off into the tall grass. Maybe I would do the same.

Oh god, I would regret this later! I jumped headlong in to the bush after my team. I ran with newfound spirit when my feet touched the dust. perhaps I could get along fine out here, maybe I wouldn't have to fight....I couldn't have been more wrong. The middle of the lane was crawling with the enemy's creepers. My friend from earlier was in the middle of the fray hacking away at the oncoming horde. Immediately I realized I didn't have a weapon what the hell am i doing here? i wasn't a champ! i didn't have a summoner for guidence! what was i supposed to do.

Suddenly I was grabbed by the waist and hoisted into the air. Another champ from my team had me up over his head. "Go mid, squishy." and having said that he threw me into the jungle to run and find the middle lane on my own.

Every taction knew that the mid lane was for one ranged charater so they could kill as many creeps as they could but I was powerless! I couldn't kill a fly in this place! But I knew I'd have to shed this helplessness if I wanted to be useful to my team. I did the best I could, throwing sticks and rock to help the creepers on my team I didn't really help all that much when it came to the big picture. I would have to kill an enemy champion in order to place in this contest, how in the world could I manage that on my own!

I would never leave, I couldn't bear to face myself if I didn't face this challenge I was given. I could do this, I could.....

It seems unfinished, it is. Bother me and I could wrap it up for you! anyway, I had this dream last night and I think it's gonna be epic when it's done!
