Gender: Female

Age: 17 (almost 18 :))

Live in: Australia

Real name: Carmon

Fave Animes: Inuyasha , Bleach, Hell girl, black blood brothers, vampire princess, moon phase, death note, Shakugan no Shana and black cat, there's probably more but i can't think of them at the moment. ^-^

Current obsession: Photography, which is really annoying as my camera really sucks

Likes: Randomness, funny stuff, vampires, Anime , manga, books (especially urban fantasy!), lollies, my friends, science, photography, creative writing

Dislikes: Rude comments/answers (is why i like the O, Everyone here is so friendly ^-^), Tomatoes, planning and school sport. Other stuff to but i can't be bothered typing it up.

Dream job: Forensic scientist or Working with genetics

Eye colour: Blue

Hair colour: Well it's currently red, but naturaly it's a horribly mousey brown colour.

Fave colour: Black, purple and red

Fave T.V show: Tie between the new Docter Who, Supernatural and how i met your mother

Fave Food: mangoes and smoked salmon

Fave computer game: Plants vs Zombies

Grade/Year: 1st year university

Current uni subjects: well seeing as this semester's nearly over i'll tell you next semester's: Philosophy, intro to forensics, intro to human anatomy and physiology, cell biology.

Item at the top of my wish list: A really good digital camera.


(aka all my fave characters)

So i couldnt be bother typing up two lists so i'm remerging them.
This is a list of all my fave characters (best first)

Character - Anime/book/series/movie/etc

Sesshomaru - Inuyasha
Zelman Clock - Black Blood Brothers
Janx - Negotiator Trillogy
Lestat de Lioncourt - Vampire Chronicals
Edward Elric - Fullmetal Alchemist
The Doctor - Doctor Who
Spike - Buffy
Bones aka Crispin (i think) - Night Huntress series
Byakuya Kuchiki - Bleach
Inuyasha - Inuyasha
Bankotsu - Inuyasha
Rin - Inuyasha
Nathanial - Anita Blake series
Kotaro Mochizuki - Black Blood Brothers
Kisuke Urahara - Bleach
Jiro Mochizuki - Black Blood Brothers
L. Lawliet - Death Note
Diansi(spelling?) - Negotiator trillogy
Jason - Anita Blake
Jakotsu - Inuyasha
Yafuri Chao - Black Blood Brothers
Kogura - Inuyasha
Ren Ichimoku - Hell Girl
Mimiko Katsuragi - Black Blood Brothers
Damn it! I know that there's heaps more but i cant think of any at the moment T_T

Link to my Deviartart account

Link to my facebook account

Email adress: [email protected]

Some more stuff about me; here and here

Lolz this is obviously an edited pic. You can see the original here.

VWBSZWAS stands for: Vampirewerewolfbrainsuckingzombie with a straw (It's a loooooooooooong story.) Bye for now and please read my posts and comment. You rock!!! ^-^

Me and my powers ^-^

Slowly but surly i'm gaining more powers ^-^

Here they are at the moment:

Well, being a vamp. I have increased senses, strength and speed. And a thirst for blood XD

I'm also pyrokenetic, meaning i can control fire.

Oh, and recently i've had some success with controling metal, and can make animals out of metal and bring them to life ^-^ which has been heaps of fun. XD i currently have a little pet dragon, who seems to like sleeping in the oven for some reason 0_o

I can also teleport! Which has been one of my most valuble skills so far, especially in fights.

Currently i'm also learning to control electricity, which is proving quite difficult, thought after a recent fight with kobashi, i think i've almost got the hang of it ^-^

I'm also studying necromancy. But i havn't had a chance to test my skills with it yet, so i don't know if i'm any good.

Hmmm, i'm planning on having at least some basic control over all the elements *glances at periodic table* Hehe uranium, that could be fun XD. But it's gonna take a lot of work, so wish me luck.

Also going to start experimenting with blood powers soon, (long story) looking forward to seeing how that goes.

XD well that's all at the moment. Of course i also have alot of weaknesses, but i'm not gonna tell you them XD.

Bye for now, oh and btw Chat rules! It's so much fun, so i encourage all my friends to go on. ^-^
*goes back to studying*

This is the sim me, of course she looks nothing like the real me XD but oh well.

OMG we almost died!!!!!

Gah, random chat war. This is why you don't drink 13 cup of coffee in a 24 hour period!!! It makes you crazy, though i alway thought it'd be imposible for me to become more crazy T_T Ummm, hope nobody minds me posting this. I've edited out ...

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