<--H-O-T HOT!!!!


Here r the pictures of the characters


Here r the pictures of the characters

Mythical Creatures and Me...Nope,Still Doesn't Sound Right

The Intro
Have you ever been kidnapped by mythical creatures?No?Unfortunately i'm not that lucky.My name alexsis peterson.I go by alex.I was once a normal girl,that is until i got kidnapped by immortals.I gotta say,that's not the greatest feeling.Waking up in a strange bed is one thing but learning that they can read your thoughts and know where you are at all times,is not totally awesome.Well,i'm going to tell you exactly what happened to me.
MY POV(point of view)(my thought will be out in *s)
"Are you sure you don't want a drink?"My friend jocelyn asked me.We've known each other since elementary school and have been best friends since."For the last time,no.Somebody has to be able to drive.""Ok,suit yourself.Bartender,hit me."The bartender poured her a drink and she quickly chugged it down with a sigh of satasfaction when she was done.Then she went back onto the dance floor, grabbed a random guy and started grinding to the music.We were finally able to get in.Of course i did get some help from the bouncer,tyson.He always got us into the greatest clubs even though we were 16.He made us promise that one of us would be sober enough to drive each other back home without crashing.That someone was always me."Are you positively sure?"My other best friend,kyleen asked.I referred to her as keen.
"Yes,i'm sure.Now go and dance"I replied.She shrugged and turned back to the bartender."Hit me"He gave her the dink and she also chugged it down and went onto the dance floor and started grinding.I rolled my eyes and turned to the bartender."Can i get a water?""Sure thing"He got me a bottle of cold water and put it down on the bar table.Then i started drinking my water."You got some good friends there"He said motioning to keen and joce."Ya,they really know how to drink""Looks like it"I turned around and they were still dancing."Trust me,they're more sober when they're sane"I told him."If you say so"He replied."So,how much do i owe you?"I asked while getting out my wallet."You don't owe me anything.Those guys over there got you covered""Great"I said sarcastically.
*Now they'll want something outta me*
"You don't sound so excited"He said while wiping the table."Really?I thought i was"I said sarcastically,again.
Gotta end it there.If u like it comment if u don't,well i can't do anything about that.Remember,this is my first time posting my stories in public so it might not be the best.Stay tuned for chapter 2!!