hi everyone. I'm back!This is where I will be posting my Fan Fiction: Feathers and Hogwarts. If you like tsubasa, fruits basket, hogwarts or anime in general check it out . Speaking of which, chapter 221 is out now , If you didnt already know! check it out!
Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle -222- April 3rd

I will be posting a new chapter of my tsubasa fan fic every week. plz read and dont forget to comment!If I forget to post, feel free to remind me XD

Chapter 19- What happened next: De ja Vu

(hi again! I called this chapter what I did because it is soooo much like the whole Harry potter book one scene. Some familiar ground here all you Harry potter fans!)

Chapter 19- What happened next: De ja vu

Madam Hootch was trying, in the chaos, to end the match. Kyo ran into the upper stands where the staff was seated, not making any note of te shos behind him. Then, he launched himself at Snape, desperately trying to break his concentration. A couple of teachers restrained him, and Kyo watched helplessly as Sakura fell from the sky. Her body slammed into the ground and, almost immediately Syaoran was by her side. How did he do that?

As everyone stared, a bludger sped low above the ground. Not seeing it coming straight for him, Syaoran turned his head and it got him full in the left eye. Sakura lay sprawled on the ground, breathing harshly. Syaoran couldn't see-- through either of his eyes so
Kyo would have to help her now.

"I'm sorry Professor Snape! I was in such a hurry to see everything from the balcony seats that I tripped and pitched forward into you!"

Snape gave a frustrated growl and the two men holding Kyo released him.

"It's me Syaoran!" Kyo said. "It's Kyo..."

Syaoran nodded. "Where's Sakura?"

"Right here." Kyo said, "We think she's broken both of her legs..."

Madam Taffy, the replacement nurse, came through the smog of people that darted out of her way.
"Coming through, coming through-- Oh dear!" She let Sakura lie on a comfortable stretcher and took Syaoran's hand. " You can't see me, dear?"

Syaoran shook his head. "Well, come on," She said with a hint of sadness. " We must get you to the hospital wing-- the both of you."

She led them off, Kyo trailing close behind.How many times will we have to visit this place? Kyo thought bitterly.

The lights inside of the Hospital Wing went out. Kyo had been sitting at Sakura's bed side as she slept, and also thinking about all that had happened that morning.. After about two hours, he finally felt his eyes flutter closed in sleep.

----But the he woke up-- hours later, it seemed. The room was filled with sunlight. In it's warmth, he got up and peered over Sakura's bed. But she wasn't there!

The windows were shut tightly, he could see. Where could she be?!

"Don't panic," He thought, and began searching for the nurse. "Taffy? Madam Taffy?"

No answer. He found her in her bed, fast asleep, but no matter how he shook her, she would not awaken. She's been drugged, he suddenly realized. He tore off a peice of paper and scribbled a letter to Syaoran in a hurry. He was about to put it on his nightstand when he remembered Syaoran wouldn't be able to see it.

"Syaoran... SYAORAN WAKE UP!"

It was no use. He too was completely out. Kyo cursed under his breath. Deciding to race after the unknown culprit, Kyo ran to the door, which was slightly ajar. Widening the opening, Kyo rushed from the room.

F&H Chapter 18- The cat chases the mouse?

Hey everyone, this is a new chapter! I'm going to just go ahead and type it right into the post. Hope you enjoy!
It was 9:30, Ami and Kyo slipped through the halls. If they were caught, the mission would be a failure, and they would be forced to wait until that friday to continue their search for the truth. Ami crept behind a tip-toeing Kyo. "Why did WE have to come here again?" Ami whispered in his ear.

Kyo paused. " All the other girls have already done this. We don't want that prefect getting suspicious. Besides Syaoran and Sakura, we are all that haven't participated."

Ami nodded in her reluctant agreement. She was supposed to be the one planning the plots, not carrying them out. "There it is," Kyo said. Ami looked up and saw the school gates. Kyo crouched low and motioned to Ami to follow in his example.

They waited, and waited.

Ami wondered if the missing prefect would even show up at all. She couldn't see much in the dark. All the firelight in Hogwarts had been blown out for the night, and a cold breeze floated through the open window. Everything else was deathly still. Her eyes shifted to the body beside her, which she assumed was Kyo's, The tensed position he upheld had remained unchanged since they had first approached the quiet room. Ami, however, was moving-- or rather, she was trembling. The clock made a long pattern of chimes. Ten O-clock.

Ami waited intensely and Kyo finally shifted in front of her, out of impatience. Staring in front of her, Ami saw nothing. She was finally about to give up when the sound of footsteps came to her ears- surprizingly loud!

A wand lit up and a young boy was illuminated by it's glow. It wasn't the prefect.
-------------------------------------------------Comercials XD------------

The boy looked around. Kyo's eyes widened. Ami felt a chill of uncertainty and tugged at Kyo's sleeve. Was he standing?!
Kyo glared and rose, to Ami's horror. The boy could see him now!
When Kyo spoke, his voice was trembling. "Y-Yuki?"
The boy in front of them was also shaking now. Yuki seemed to fight himself as he shouted, "Stay away!" Stumbling, the boy dashed to the back of the room, his wand dimming, until he was swallowed up by the darkness.
"You blew your cover?!" Syaoran asked in disbelief. He continued to chastise Kyo. "What could have happened back there for you to do such a thing?"

"Syaoran..." Ami began. " At ten, a boy appeared, but it wasn't the Gryffindor prefect."

"Okay, then who was it?"

Ami flinched.

"Yuki," Kyo said. " I hadn't seen him for so long... but he... and then..." He couldn't continue.

Ami began to recognize Yuki, the Ravenclaw. He'd been in her house the whole time! She realized the rest of the group was suspicious of him, but she couldn't forget the look of horror that had streched across Kyo's face when Yuki repelled him. Who was he to Kyo?

But after that, there was no sign of Yuki or Kabuto, so they were sure that something stranger than strange was going on.

Finally, Sakura would play in her first quidditch match. She kicked off into the air on the whistle and searched the sky for the helecopter-like snitch.
" The Hufflepuff vs. Ravenclaw match has begun!" She heard Syaoran's voice close to her. It was comforting. Louder than all the cheers, she could depict Kyo's shouts of encouragement from the crowd. Smiling, she rose into the air. Then, a distant glint in the sunlight. There it was! Racing after it, the Ravenclaw's team seeker (which happened to be Yuki, she made a note) started to gain on her. Pushing forward, she sped after it, eager to finish the game. Startled, she almost paused mid-race as Yuki came to a stop.

Oh well, She thought, now I can get the snitch!

She continued on, not seeing Yuki make hand motions in the air to a section of the crowd.

She had it! Reaching out, she attempted to grab it while her broom remained in motion. Abruptly, her broom began to buck her off. It was like a rodeo, and she could barely hold onto the broom! It thrusted and whirrled in the air as she fought to regain control of her broomstick

"Hagrid!" Kyo said, turning to the professor behind him. "Something is wrong with Sakura's broom!"

Hagrid took his binoculars and held them to his face. "No, let me see those!" Kyo said, grabbing frantically for them. He directed his gaze to Snape. Sure enough, Snape was chanting something under his breath-- his gaze directly on Sakura.

F&H Chapter 17 When he was last seen

Chapter 17- when he was last heard. A little shorter than most chapters but, here's the next one ^_^ Kyo whistled to himself while he marched down the hall. He was thinking fondly of the card Sakura had written just for him. "Hey, cupid," H...

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F&H Chapter 16- A different master

New chapter! Enjoy!

The friends found that, even with Snape there, they weren't able to gather the information they needed. Sakura had abandoned the technique:hide, and decided that strength in numbers also helped. Fai had returned, so they didn't have to worry about Snape teaching DADA . The second quarter students in Hufflepuff and Gryffinfor had potions class substituted by Herbology.

With Professor Sprout gone , Hagrid took her place. Hagrid resembled how Kyo had envisioned a giant would be. Despite being a tall man, Hagrid was a gentle man, with a ridiculous obsession for dangerous magical creatures. So far, all they hd learned from him what you should do if: You wanted your plants to die, your flowers to wilt, or a man-eating plant to eat less people.

Since Ami was in Ravenclaw, she still had to suffer through Snape's harsh potions classes. But, she could also spy on him in person. Everyone rejoyced when they saw Fai, but he looked terribly distant and weak. Kyo overheard other hufflepuffs say that Fai was afraid that whatever had happened to Kurogane, would soon happen to him. Sakura thought Fai was concerned for Kurogane's well-being, and Sakura reminded him that Fai depended on Kurogane for blood. Of course, they decided it would be better not to reveal to Kyo that Fai was a vampire. Despite his weakness, Fai continued increasing his students' skill in defensive magic until he was sure they could handle anything from a tall cliff to a three headed dragon. " You will need your magic in tough situations." He told them, and Kyo couldn't agree more.


Fai smiled. "What's on your mind, Syaoran."

Syaoran grinned. "You could tell, huh? Oh, I was just thinking about what Kurogane once asked. 'I wonder where the real Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher is.' Now other teachers are vanishing too. Maybe we can add this as clue? There could be a connection."

Fai nodded. "You have a point, but won't it confuse your new friends if you tell them I'm not really their teacher?"

Syaoran chuckled. " I don't believe there's anything that coul.d surprise them now."

Fai continued to nodd and took it under consideration. Perhaps they were onto something. The teacher disappearances may be the key.


"Happy Valentine's Day!!!" Sakura woke up with a start. People were talking very loudly downstairs. Sleepily, she slipped into her robes and glanced at the magical calendar on her wall. The page said, "February 14- Valentine's day." Sakura couldn't believe that she'd forgotten. Sakura took out a paper and quill and wrote, " Dear Syaoran.... I am thankful for all youv'e done for me. For you, I promise that I will one day remember everything about you... and myself. You're so caring and always know how I feel, nd I cherish every moment we spend together. Your BFF, Sakura." And of course, there was Kyo's letter to write. " Dear Kyo, I'm so happy that you wanted to be my friend at the beginning of the year. I felt so lost and alone when Syaoran was placed in Gryffindor, and I don't think I could have pulled through without you. So when's the next Quidditch match? Do you know? I sure don't. I practice with the team after school everyday, but I can never remember the skirmish dates.Yours Truly, Sakura.

She laughed at herself, realizing how much she enjoyed signing her name. It also never occured to her how important names were. Suddenly, images and voices grew loud in her mind, swirling around in a dizzying fashion.Then, she was in a familiar scene. The prefect and Snape were talking about her. " The girls name," the prefect was saying, "that is all you need, right?"

Snape nodded, " Once I have her name, I can make that potion you need." Sakura's eyes widened.
The prefect smiled a smile one wears when he is enjoying an execution. " The girl's name... It's Sakura." Sakura watched in horror as Snape bowed low before him. Kabuto told him to rise and Snape left the room. Slowly she was drawn out of the memory and felt herself fall back into her own feet, that still rested upon the ground of the hufflepuff dormintory. Syaoran had told her once before that she had unawakened powers. Had what she seen possibly have been real? If it had, that meant Snape worked for the prefect, not the other way around. Sakura remembered seeing herself and Kyo leaving the room when the playback had begun, which suggested it was not a true memory. Talk about De ja vu, Sakura thought. It was as though she saw what had transpired in the Great Hall after she went to try out for Quidditch. Collecting the notes she had written, Sakura hastily left the common room.


Dumbledore sat at the front of the Great Hall, Sakura at a long table therein. The very same table had been part of the background of her daymare.

"Happy Valentine's day," Dumbledore said cheerfully. He couldn't have known of the dark cloud over Sakura's sunny thoughts, but his bright voice still seemed misplaced to her. "The cupids Hagrid hired will deliver all of your notes to that special someone. On a darker note...I'm sorry to inform you that as long as the teachers are missing, you cannot go anywhere unplanned off campus or through the halls without a prefect. This is for your own safety."

Sakura saw Syaoran frown, but she knew he couldn't understand how terrible this news really was.. After seeing what she had, Sakura had to warn him about the ever-increasingly-disturbing Gryffindor prefect.

" House points have been calculated once more. First place: Gryffindor. Second place: Ravenclaw. Third place is a tie between Hufflepuff and Slytherin."

Sakura dashed o the Gryffindor table. Syaoran was blushing. " Sakura--"

She interrupted him. "I have to tell everyone something VERY important. This cannot wait!" Together, they snuck out of the dining hll as the cupids began their deliveries. Kyo followed.

"What's up?" Syaoran asked when somehow the whole group had managed to meet in Fai's office. Sakura wasn't sure how to say what was on her mind. " The prefect, Kabuto, he's different than we thought."


Sakura stood on top of on of the chairs. "No! Not innocent... More guilty. We had it wrong though, he doesn't work for Snape. Snape works for him."

"Are you sure," Syaoran asked, feeling no need at the moment to question how she had gotten the new information. Sakura nodded. The rest watched as Syaoran pondered in his mind what this meant. " All of you, from Gryffindor, act like nothing is different. Snape only knows that Sakura, Kyo and I are friends. No one else knows that you girls even interact with us, do they?"

Ami spoke, "We never really speak about them, do we?" The other girls, all of whom were in Gryffindor, not Ravenclaw with Ami, agreed.

Syaoran relaxed. "Good. If anything, this can work to our advantage. If Kabuto heads somewhere, tell him you are going the same direction, and he'll have to accompany you there, with that new "never alone" rule. See where he goes."

The rest nodded and headed back to breakfast in the chaos of gifts and letters before they were missed. "Sakura-chan," Syaoran said, " I don't want you to spy. Keep safe.Oh!" Sakura watched him pull out a box of chocolates. "Only for you, Valentine," He said.

Sakura hugged him happily. " Thank you!." He opened that cupid shoved into his hand. When he was done reading it, it looked like tears were in his eyes. Not of joy, of despair.

"What's wrong?" Sakura asked, fearing the worst. Maybe I shouldn't have included the part about remembering him, she thought. But, Syaoran wasn't upset about that. His tears were for how much she had lost.

"It's okay, Syaoran-kun. Whatever it is will turn out fine in the end. I'm sure we'll be alright."

Syaoran dried his eyes. Of course she was right, like always.

F&H Chapter 15 Snape returns

I won't be able to upload another chapter this weekend because of the play so you guys get a chapter early Yay You! Again, forgive misspellings. At the end of the story I will iron it all out and make it FlAWlesS! Sakura awoke that morning ...

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