Hehe ^^'

Um yeah, so I got a new account. I had some security issues, mainly sprouting from the fact that I've used the same screen name (kired64) since back in my neopets days, and also because I'm not really supposed to be here. oh well. Yeah so my parents found my youtube the other day and I had to fix that before they found this ^^' It's kinda embarrassing. I know for a fact that I'm older than most of the people here -__-' And yet my parents don't trust me IDEK. It's kinda frustrating. I do acknowledge that a lot of people here are older than me too, and my parents are just being protective; in a really annoying way.
Yep, so I worked on Call of a Drgon today... Geesus writing manga is hard -____-' Like, I don't have an exact process to how I work set up yet and I have OCD with these types of things. So I can't work efficiently 'til I work that out. I worte out the dialogue and stuff for the first couple of pages and then I started sketching and inking. Stupidly I started this on SAI and I took about four hours on one page OTL so I won't be doing that anymore.
Since I'm a lazy as* and a manga noob, does anyone have any tips for starting a manga?
Yeah, so I'm sorry about any inconvenience this change caused :( I hope you guys have a great night :3
