Hello there, my name is Miyuki Sagisu, and I shall be updating my stuff here. Whenever those who want to see my new drawings want to get there fast, I will post them here. I'm still trying to figure out the new layout and all, but I'm trying my hardest to get it right! Be patient with me.
~Arigato Gozaimasu

Ima scared o_o'

Well, I LUV Tokio Hotel. (Not as much as LM.C though ^^) LUVLUVLUVLUVLUV. And Bill's cooliest. I'm scared though... his hair might eat his head one day!! OH NOOES!!! Like so.
T'would suck. I need to go to their concert next time they're around. And get pix. Yes, I must.
Love, peace and chicken feet
~Miyuki Sagiisu
