Chocolate and Bento

Sun Apr 26, 2009, 3:36 AM

* Mood: Obsessed

All day today, I've had a craving for chocolate(well, technically it's yesterday, but I haven't gone to bed yet...I've been napping all day for some odd reason). I watched the 4th episode of Hayate no Gotoku and it was about Valentine's Day. Then I remembered my failed V-day cake I made for my boyfriend at the time...So then I was compelled to look up Valentine's Chocolate in the culinary section on dA and along with chocolate, there were a bunch of V-day bento lunches. So, I started daydreaming like the lovesick KF I am and now I'm prolly gonna be in a bento-slash-chocolate-making crash course for about a week. And guess who gets to eat all these delicious(?) things-you guessed it! CALVIN, COME ONE DOWN!!! I'M GONNA MAKE YOU NICE AND FAT =D

At least he likes to eat sweet things, and a lot of food...My ex didn't eat as much as Cal, and definitely not as much as me(I still remember my three helpings opposed to his measly 1...seemed like half to me). Since he didn't eat a lot and didn't have much of a sweet tooth, I never really got to make him bento lunches or sweets-he likes anime and the whole 9 yards, so he'd still appreciate it. But I like it when people ask for more of something I made them and I enjoy seeing them smile. I would practically give anything just to see my friends happy. I guess that's why I started doing comics.

At first, I wanted to make a manga because I wanted a manga to exist that was based off of MY life and MY ideas(I'm a pretty selfish person if you haven't noticed). So I started to work on my character around 5th grade. In 7th grade was when I decided to make KaidaFaye's friends a significant part of the story, which is also why I'm not incorporating as much love as there was in the beginning. My friends are the best, and our adventures deserve to be remembered somehow. From the music that is Cal's, to the cuteness that is Monique, the awesomeness that is Steph, and the memories of the 2 guys that helped me define my personality to what it is now. My ex and I are still good friends. Maybe if I'm up to it and over him enough, I'll make him some chocolate and a bento to his liking.

Yeah, I'm one to dwell on good relationships(a good 2 out of 13 but who cares, 2 REAL relationships then). Me dwelling is prolly why Calvin's gonna get so fat that he can't even get through his bathroom door and end up going in his pants. ;D

