deviantART: tumblr Sketchblog:
Official Website:

I'll do art for you: read on please!

Hey guys--because of the hurricane, my flea marketing opportunity won't be possible this weekend. That said, I'll be accepting commissions--I can do portraits, cartoons, whatever you want. I need to make $100 by Wednesday, so if I get 5 $20 commission slots, I'll be good. Help me out here!

Comic Soon!

Finally getting a new computer, it's coming in Monday or Tuesday <3 I just got a new set of pens to use for inking(I'm in love with my brush pen), but digital inking makes me feel less scared of mistakes. Same thing with colouring.

Finished another page of the comic yesterday, planning on 2 more today. That is all.

G33K!! Chapter 1 Script Completed!!

It's 5:22am and I finally got the inspiration to finish the written draft of the first chapter of my comic. Longer than my goal of 16 pages, really it's more like 25 pages, but I was able to fit in a quick introductory battle. I like it. Hopefully you will too. The goal is to have at least 3 chapters completed by the end of Summer, hopefully leaving me time to print and bind them.

I'm tired and I'm going to sleep now. Tomorrow I'll finish the storyboarding(with stick figures and notes from the script). I'm so happy this is finally started, the first chapter is always the hardest! Nighty night.


Feature link: How I Plan and Make Comics--The Original Doujinshi-Making Process

Hey look, I updated G33K!! Offline

Latest comic: LINK

So my boyfriend said he'd work his programming magic and set up my website for me, as long as I drew out the original design and did the graphics for him to follow and use. So far, all I've got is this:

See all that blank space? I've gotta figure out what should be there for each page, except the "STORE" page, since that's just gonna link out to my ecrater store. If you have any layout tips, lemme know!

As for the main comic, working on pages 10 out of about 16 for the first chapter. The first chapter is always the hardest because that's the one that people judge the comic off of. PRESSURE!!!

KaidaFaye out!

Commissions on MangaBullet

I'm open for commissions now--at least stop by and see!!

I just finished another piece for my studio art class--another cardboard piece, but this time I added more than just white watercolour: There's some grey, some red, a dash of blue, and a little bit of pink mixed with the red...I such at painting, so maybe I'm cheating by using it on cardboard XD (you can also commission me on a cardboard piece too, HINT HINT)(lol).

I'm off to sketch now, bye bye!

PS-It feels grand to be back in the drawing groove <3