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I wanna be artsy fartsy too DX

Tue Sep 22, 2009, 9:24 PM

* Mood: Irritated
* Listening to: "Dark Humor"-Poison Ivy League

So I told my mom that I was switching from AP Psychology to AP (Studio) Art tomorrow morning and she went crazy. Still switching it. The only art class I've ever had was back in elementary school; 4th and 5th grade were the best--we participated in the Street Painting Festival and everything. She went on about how it's not gonna get me anywhere and's my 6th area for the IB Programme and not a core class, I think I'm fine, right?

AAAAAANYWAY I want Saturday to come. Double dateage with Mo and Cal(hopefully). Then we're going to see the variety show to watch Cal and the other 2 kids be awesome musical people =3 They were on some internet radio show last night and it ROCKED. It's the coolest thing ever to hear your best friend talking like he's someone we're not supposed to know him through some device. Mo and I were fangirling the whole time. Ridiculous <3

Mo and I are gonna work on the comic Monday, I think. Gotta finish by Cal's birthday =B

Anyway, I'm gonna go do...things. Maybe I'll draw. I should do that more, huh? Sorry about the lack of decent stuff =(

Why I Comick So Damn Much

Sat Aug 22, 2009, 3:46 PM

* Mood: Tearful
* Listening to: "Soaring"-Sydney Forest
* Reading: over the comic
* Drinking: Tang

Monique, you can't even come over during the week to work on the comic. My mom wants me to focus on school and doesn't give a damn that we already payed for the table and etc. Let's see if we can do it at school, ok? Like in the library, or the band room when there isn't any practice. I'll see if you can come over tomorrow after church, but again--I have no fucking clue.

I hate living at my house. I have overprotective parents that don't give a damn about my hobby or what I think. My dad never liked me drawing manga and calls anime "La La Land". My mom just looked at my work and called it cute, nothing else. I never was allowed to hang out with my friends, especially if they were also into anime and manga and video games. I also wasn't as outgoing as I am now, so I spent most of my time reading fiction to get away from it. Even in elementary school, I stayed after school with the library assistant to read and help out. All that reading is probably why English continues to be my best subject. But I really liked art. I tried out every form I encountered. The only time I regretted trying out a style was the only time my dad thought it was absolutely spectacular--I find squeezing paint out of those pen-like tubes fun, even back then. I was doing that and had paint all over one of my folders and left it on the table. I was gonna throw it away later, but I wanted it to dry so my mom didn't get mad at me if I got paint somewhere. Well, I went back and found it gone, so I figured somebody threw it out for me. Then at the kitchen table, my dad said I made something great and I thought he was talking about a drawing I did earlier that day. Then he took out the folder and I got really mad, saying I didn't mean to make it. Then that night I ripped it up and threw it away. That probably seems really stupid and childish, but...I was around 8 or 9--what do you expect?

I started dabbling in manga, I got really into it--loved it obviously, since I'm still doing it. So I experimented a lot over the years and finally got my "style" down. I'm still experimenting with other styles, but so far this is pretty stable. When I think manga, I think fantasy, and video games. Something that isn't my life. My life at home is boring and lonely and depressing--not like "I wanna kill myself" but more of "When I'm 18, I'm so out of here". I hate going home. At home, I have to act like someone completely different. I can't joke around like I do at school or with my friends. My teachers probably have a better understanding of what I'm like than my parents do. I can't openly express my love for anime and manga because I get criticized if I play any foreign music, draw, or watch anime. I have to shut myself up in my room to do it, and then they get mad if I do that. My parents want me to be this big scholar person that makes a gazillion dollars when I just kind of want to live a peaceful life in an apartment somewhere working on G33|<!! or in a cottage in the woods painting my life away and living off what I have. If it wasn't for the fact that I need money, I wouldn't even give a damn about college.

In short, I comick because I need to get away without really getting away. I want to do something right. I'm not that good at school, or sports, or anything else for that matter. I'm not musical, I'm not an actor/actress, I'm not as sweet as honey, and I'm not studious. I'm a girl that tatoos bleached leaves with graphite dreams and acid thoughts because the rabbit hole to my wonderland is barred shut until further notice.


Line Art

Thu Aug 6, 2009, 1:48 PM

* Mood: Dazed
* Listening to: "Torn"-Natalie Imbruglia
* Eating: Vanilla yogurt with chocolate syrup

Been doing line art since last night, I'm on page 4's now. I'm killing myself because I left parts blank during the draft, so while I'm darkening the lines so I can see them easier on the light table, I'm also filling in the blank and incomplete panels. On the bright side, it's going faster than I expected.

I just wish I wasn't such a night person sometimes. Night, like 9pm and onward, are my working hours--so I never get sufficient sleep during school if I want to do well in my classes. Unless I'm in a classroom, I can't concentrate at all(but even in a classroom my mind tends to wander).

How do you guys get yourselves to work? I mean, it's kind of ridiculous if I can't bring myself to work on something I LIKE to do...



Sat Aug 1, 2009, 4:57 PM

* Mood: Screwed
* Listening to: "Jerk"-Huang Yida
* Eating: Celery with peanut butter and raisins
* Drinking: Orange Juice

It hit me this morning when I was watching Ranma 1/2--I need to figure who else I'm cosplaying for Chibi-Pa. The first day, Judd and I are cosplaying boy- and female-type Ranma(Ranma 1/2) and the second day I may/may NOT be dressing up lolita. The third day, I don't know who =( Or I can just dress up in otaku gear. HELP ME!!!

Oh, then there's also the fact I need to have some kind of martial arts into me if I'm cosplaying ranma--GO ANYTHING GOES MARTIAL ARTS!!

PS-Still comicking.


Comic Full Speed Ahead!!

Thu Jul 30, 2009, 2:42 PM

* Mood: Not Impressed
* Listening to: "LIFE"-Kimaguren
* Eating: Celery with peanut butter and raisins
* Drinking: Orange Juice

Full speed ahead, since I only have about two weeks left to finish the line art for the pages. Started working on the new cover last night, but Minto and I still think it could be better...I don't have any other good ideas =< I'm aiming for finishing three pages today, to bring me up to page 13; then another 3 pages tomorrow.

When I'm done with the line art for the new cover and a line art of an alternative cover, I'll upload both and will beg you guys to say which you would be more likely to pick up. Please cooperate =D Because, I have a feeling Minto wants to get this done more than I do <3 Good thing she's my editor, or else I would've done absolutely nothing regarding this promo. Thanks, Mo!