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Okies, I'm not mad anymore! =D
To Minto: I love ya sis, I can't stay mad at you...I suck at this anger thing, but Claus is an exception XD


Hey guys, just wanted to clear something up:
The 30th page of G33K!! Offline has been deleted because I DIDN'T DRAW IT. I put the drawing back on Minto's account, so if you want to see it it still exists for y'all. NOBODY MESSES WITH KF(though, I have to admit that pic was hilarious).
A word to Minto:
Ok, Monique-I think I'm rubbing off on ya a li'l too much. I mean, everytime I mention boobs you're like "eewww, Jenni that's GROSS". And then you had to the nerve to go into my account and post that. Even though I expected nothing back from trying to help you, the least you could've done was keep the integrity of my work sacred ON MY OWN ACCOUNT. I hacked into your account too, but I'll let you keep updating your life. I'm setting up a World that only you can guest post on.
</word to mo>
As for the rest of you, you may think "Golly, KF-isn't this a little too far?" Well you have no idea of the shit I have to go through every day and what my characters mean to me. My characters and the storyline to G33K!! are an extension of my life, and so far that's the only thing going for me. I hope you understand.
a pissed KF


I finally got a design down for my costume! I'm so excited, it turned out kinda cute =^_^= On Sunday I'm going out with my brother's girlfriend to shop for material, but I left my wallet with I'm hoping my mom will lend me some cash and I'll pay her back Tuesday ^^;
I'm learning how to sew all this stuff as we speak-the interwebz is a wonderful place. For example, when I went over to Cal-kun's house a while ago, someone asked where I learned how to cook: I said the internet(cuz it's true!)

I've decided

I'm going to be a demi-human anime-fied Cheshire Cat =3
Right now I'm working on coming up with a costume design; I'm going out with my older bro's girlfriend to shop for supplies. I'm having difficulties with the design tho =( Wanna help? Advice wanted! X3

Ah crap, it's Halloween, isn't it?

Minto reminded me that it's almost that time again when she said she found the cutest costume ever--AND I DON'T HAS A COSTUME READY!!!
This year, I want to be something Alice in Wonderland related. Any ideas? I was thinking maybe Alice(azn-fied), the Cheshire Cat(anime-fied), or the Mad Hatter(younger and female). I'm open to other ideas for costumes too-I just need one before it's too late^^
Much appreciated!

Cheshire Cat Cosplays...
External Image
or something semi-normal like:
External Image
You get the idea- a Demi-Human Cheshire Cat =3