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Thu Apr 2, 2009, 9:34 PM

* Mood: Nervous
* Listening to: "Driveway"-Making April
* Eating: I ate a slice of pizza...but that was it

It's in a language I just made up =D It means...
I hate being a teenager. I'd like to just skip to college right now. Or just move out...can't wait until I move into Minto's house. A while ago, I cooked up a plan while I was talking to my boyfriend(?) about how I could live at my school. I would snatch a spare master key from Frankie or Mike, get used to sleeping in the nurse's office(or I could set up a comfy tent on the roof), get some locks and separate my stuff in the lockers in the girls' locker room, and when summer comes I can stay a week or two at a friend's house, move on to the next friend, and if I can't sleep over somewhere I could live somewhere in the park. Of course, I would have to secure a job first =)
But who am I kidding? Nice plan, but it wouldn't last; and if I ever had to come back home I'd be in deep shit.
I envy my friends that can just wander around with their friends. They simply just let their parents know where they are and call them time to time that same day for an update of what's happening. I envy the people that can sleep over at a friend's house without expecting to know everything about the family their not like I'd be marrying the person-a female, might I add(I'm straight and plan to stay that way). I envy those stupid teens that can go on dates with a boyfriend or girlfriend without the parents wanting an adult with them or another friend(the 3rd wheel). I envy those that can go on a field trip and not have their family follow them to every place they went(my dad dragged my mom all the way down to Key West trying to keep up with my school's field trip; they followed me to Disney, too). I envy the girl that can ask her parents and not be afraid of a definite "no"...cuz that's what I always get.
I want a normal life without anyone expecting top marks and to just go out with my friends and have fun. I want a relationship that isn't hindered by house rules.
What would you choose? A normal life where you're free to be with your friends whenever you could, but less, perhaps significantly, less creative than you are now? Or the sheltered life of a person overflowing with artistic-loveliness but could only show the internet.


I CAN'T EVEN FUCKING UPDATE FIREFOX ANYMORE!!!!! *shot* I need to save up for a new laptop...


Mon Mar 30, 2009, 6:28 PM

* Mood: Regretful
* Listening to: "I'll Find Mine"-Meg and Dia
* Eating: I'm pretty sure I ate something...

You know how when you turn on your computer, there's these automatic updates that are really annoying cuz they just keep popping up? Yeah, I miss those. I'm grateful for this laptop, cuz I hate sitting at a desk-but I wish this Mac was newer; it's so old, I can't even update. It was a high school graduation gift for my brother. He graduated at 19-he's 24 now. It kills me; I try to update things or get some nice applications(like the GIMP) for me to use, but the version they offer start at version 10.4-I'm 10.3.9. It's like when you're just so close from getting the next letter grade up and your teacher just decides to leave it as it is...pisses me off.

My technology is limited to a pencil, paper, magic rub erasers, and a light table. My mom's laptop is fried, so I can't use the scanner-and my brother is too lazy for favours, especially since I already filled up another sketchbook. Then there's the lack of motivation cuz of other complications going on in my life...I'm a skinny li'l kid, but I'm starting to feel fat because ever since break started the most exercise I've had is a 30minute session of DDR on heavy, and that was just to relieve some steam from said complications...I probably gained a pound or I'm lacking the motivation to move...I haven't been eating as much as I used to, either(I usually never stop eating, now I can't remember what/if I ate today).

Anybody know how to fix this? forget my personal problems, but I don't wanna become a jell-o mold D= FIX ME!!! DX


Still Hiatus...

Well, I have regular internet access again, but now I lack a scanner-which sucks because my sketchbook is almost full of pics you won't be able to see for a looooong time X3

Minto and I worked out a new G33|<!! Promo plot to use for Chibi-Pa 2009, since we're getting a table this time. And I have more time to make this promo good-I finished the first page's rough draft about an hour ago, so I need to show it to her tomorrow to see if it's ok. The beginning's a bit different from what we changed it to, but I think it works better this way-more interesting(and better-drawn). While Calwoof was reading over the newer script for the thing, he kept going on about how horrible my grammar was/is =( I will make this known: MY GRAMMAR SUCKS AND I CAN'T SPELL FOR SHIT!! 8D
I'm thinking of making a tutorial of sorts...more of a "How to be a Mangaka with a Limited Budget" kinda thing(I'll work on the title, okay?) It'll be quite large, so I'll make it a downloadable PDF file =D It won't teach people how to draw-more like teach them how to get better on their own with coming up with ideas and bettering their talents with stuff you don't have to go to a super-dee-duper expensive art/specialty supply store for.
Anyway, I just had the urge to update since I haven't done anything for about a month and this page looked more neglected than usual...that's it for the professional stuff, so you can stop reading here, if you like =D
So, about 2 days left and it'll be two months with my current boyfriend, and I must say-I quite like this one =D He'll be my 2nd longest relationship and counting. My brother and his girlfriend will be 6yrs on the 20th of this month-since they've been together since high school, they give me a sense of hope; I've never been one for long-term relationships for some reason-Minto and my friend Mikey said it was because of my fear of commitment, and I agree-but I think I'm over it now *thumbs up*.
Been trying to get healthier-exercise and such-but I've GOT to stop staying up so darn's past 3am and I has school tomorrow...I don't think I'm sleeping tonight. I'm gonna take a shower 'round 5 I guess; don't wanna be tired AND filthy =(
...I'm hungry-time for some 3:10am dinner!

I'mma Betch =B

Usually I take pride in the fact I say whatever my mind conjure up, whether or not it's mean. My personality is similar to a cat on acid, so I tend to get away with it; but today I felt really mean...and I'mma do it again, with no *massive* intended harm:
Take no offense to you "dark" kids out there,'re not an emo. You have no dark mysterious life out there and most kids with real problems are taking it waaaay better than you are. They may wear American Eagle clothes or clothes from Good Will(and not because they think it's the shit nowadays, but because they need to). Most don't congregate in a section of the school next to other "dark/emo" kids.
Emo isn't a lifestyle...personally it's just a way to dress that's been copied by almost every teenager that listens to some form of alternative rock. So don't go rolling your eyes or say "ugh" every time you hear someone insult your "usual spot" by calling it "the place where all the people that think they're emo gather", because that's what it me it's a graveyard of lost souls because the majourity of those kids are usually in middle school or fresh out of the place looking for a way to define themselves when in fact with every dyed-black/blonde-cut-and-straightened haircut and skinny jeans make you look just like everyone else-and you pro'ly act like it too. I miss when I wasn't labeled "emo" or "scene" or "poser" when I listen to music or dyed my hair or just happened to wear my plaid stuff that day-you're giving me a bad name =(

Sorry for that, that's been on my mind all day D=< My "son"'s(long story) friend asked where he was and I said "I dunno". As she left I said "I thought he was over where the emo kids are" then corrected myself by saying "where the kids that think they're emo are" and she let out an "ugh" and caught some eye-rolling...doesn't help that my son claims he's emo, too...see? I'm a bitch-shut up Jenni DX

PS-those raccoon-like dyed stripes on your hair are ugly *razor cut*