Blaze chapter two; part two

The three finally ended up in Cole’s room, catching up on the last three years. After two hours of talking they landed on the subject of why Blaze had left her job.

“I can’t believe they didn’t tell me it involved hunnters.” Blaze exclaimed. “The last thing I need is to have them after me for the next hundred years.”

“They probably knew you wouldn’t take the job if you knew.” Cole replied. “Everyone knows that vamps and hunnters don’t get along.”

“Probably, but it really pisses me off, I was following that girl for three years. Three years! And now I feel really bad about leaving her.”

“Don’t feel bad mistress.” Zee Zee said. “You cant be expected to risk your life, for some mortal child.”

Blaze snorted. “My life wouldn’t have been in danger. Killing a few hunnters would be a piece of cake. But it’s not just me I have to worry about, my ties with the coven are too well known to make a move against the hunnters. Their morals are none existent and while killing them might be easy for me, it would be extremely difficult for many of the other coven members. I couldn’t risk it.” She sighed. “I can’t risk it, but I still feel like I betrayed Clo.”

Cole patted her on the back. “You did the right thing Blaze. You don’t need to feel bad about it.”

“I know but that doesn’t change the fact that I do. I feel like I’ve run away here, and left her all by herself.” Blaze said.

Zee Zee flew over and landed on her shoulder. “It may seem like that now mistress. But what if you had stayed to protect the girl and come back here to find half the coven dead? You did the right thing.”

“I guess your right Zee.” Blaze said and managed a small smile, but inside she still felt bad.

The conversation turned to brighter things then and Blaze managed to push her guilt all but out of her head. But it wouldn’t leave her completely, no matter how hard she tried.