Lesson 4

Part III: Expressing Time Duration and Amounts

Part III-A: Time Duration

When you want to say that an event took place for about a certain amount of time, you can use the suffix 〜時間ぐらい (jikan gurai). 〜時間ぐらい is always preceded by a number and the entire noun itself (when it doesn't come with a particle attached) is usually put before the verb in the sentence.

EX. 私はレストランの前で二時間ぐらい待ちました。
(Watashi wa resutoran no mae de nijikan gurai machimashita.)
I waited in front of the restaurant for about two hours.

Part III-B: Amounts

To say that there is a lot of something, we use the adjective たくさん. たくさん is very flexible in placement, in that it can be placed either before the noun it is modifying, after the particle を, or right before the verb.

EX. 旅のいる間にたくさん写真を撮りました。
(Tabi no iru aida ni takusan shashin wo torimashita.)

(Tabi no iru aida ni shashin wo takusan torimashita.)
During my trip, I took lots of pictures.