Lesson 4

Part II: Saying Where Things Are

You may remember that last lesson, we covered how to ask where something is (Xはどこですか。) This time, we'll discuss how to describe (in a slightly more advanced manner) where something is located.

To form a location description sentence, we use the formula XはYのZです。, where X is the subject, Y is the landmark and Z is the direction/location word. Let's say, for example, that the temple is behind the bank.

EX: お寺は銀行のうしろです。
(Otera wa ginkou no ushiro desu.)
The temple is behind the bank.

Pretty simple stuff.

You can use verbs along with this formula to describe an event that will take place at the area in question. For example, let's say I waited near the park for James.

EX: 私は公園のそばでジェームズを待ちました。
(Watashi wa kouen no soba de Jeemuzu wo machimashita.)
I waited near the park for James.

The important thing to note here is that the location word takes the particle で instead of に.