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Do we mean the things we do, do we do the things we mean?

Urban Dictionary

My friend trued to get this posted on Urban Dictionary :P

Ian and Madison

straight up, the cutest couple ever!! A little bit touchy... oh who am I kidding, they are VERYYYY touchy! But its okay because we love them anyways :) Can be loud one minute and quiet and snuggly the next. They are the alphabet to the soup, the milk to the cocoa puffs, and so on and so forth. Overall, they are the most amazing and respectable people just in general. BAYUMM!!

We should go get some pizza with Ian and Madison later.

Damnnnn!!! Ian and Madison are looking FINEEE tonight!!!!!

I wish I was Ian and Madison! :(

He got married?!

For some reason Matt Good getting married excites me more than getting my G1 (yeah, I passes, no problemo xD)
I haven't been on his website in a while cause I was pissed at him for charginf a membership fee...
But then one day I clicked the saved link by accident and I decided to look around and I found out that its only contests and special offers that are blocke from non-members. So yeah... He got married yesterday... I feel like I really missed something here...

I don't want to drive >.<

Seriously. I REALLY don't want to get my liscence. I don't know why, some of my friends are jealous cause I'm already 16 and I can get my G1. I have friends who have their G1, and I even know a guy who has his G2.
I have no idea why I don't want to get my liscence. I mean, its just a writen test. What if I fail? I realy don't want to fail. I hate failing, especially tests. And I know my parents will be really upset if I fail. :(
I want to drive I guess, but I don't really have the same desire for independance as everyone else. I've had that book for like two weeks and I only just opened it about fiveminutes ago. Now look where I am. '
Ugh. Has anyone else taken their G1? Help me PLEASE!
I might ask Ian, cause he's almost 17 and he's getting his G2 soon, but I hate seeming so young and ignorant. Our age difference is only about 8 months but it seems like so much because hes got that little bit more of life experience than me and I feel stupid when its noticable that I'm younger.
-_- I'm done for today. I'm stressing myself again and I really don't need that right now.

Oh wow... Hahaha

It started out normal, woke up, morning routine got on the bus...
Then something out of the ordinary happened. I got picked up by my bus in front of my house instead of at the bus stop, and then the bus stopped again in front of my neighbour's house to pick up my brother. My neighbour was tkaing out the garbage, wearing nothing but a tuque and his underwear... He actually graduated from my school a few years ago so all the older kids on our bus know him and laughed their arses off.
Then when I got to schol my friend Hector started talking about how when a woman gets pregnant, everyone rubs her belly and says congratulations. "Well what about us?" he says, "Men carry sperm aroud all the time and nobody rubs us!"
I told him thats because men can only manage to keep the little guys alive for a few days at most, while women can keep them safe for a whole nine months.
Then I randomly got this song 'Lean on Me' stuck in my head, but I don't know ANY of the words, so Becca sang it for me.
Then in gym, my team was winning so this one kid yells "HEY REF? YOU PREGNANT? CAUSE YOU MISSED THE FIRST TWO PERIODS!"
I laughed my arse off, and they got a point... it was worth it.
Then... I cam home and had dinner and went to work and then I came home and my dad showed my some tattoos (one of which he will be getting) and then I did homework and now I'm here :D
So the last part of my day wasn' that weird, but really, I had a weirdd day...


I am so not happy rght now...
My civics course is a flop, I don't know what I'm going to do.
I have the Unit 2 test on wedndesday, and I have no icea what I'm doing. My teacher is a complete idiot! He only teaches when he feels like it.
All the assignments he gives us involve "the textook and the internet"
"What pages in the textbook?"
"All of them."
"... Okay... well, what internet sites?"
"Use google."
"... You know we're all going to fail this, right?"
"Not if you payed attention in class."
"Class? Oh, you mean during first period when you DON'T take attendance and then tell us to copy a note and then give us a worksheet to fill out (using the textbook and the internet) before you ditch the classroom to go smoke?"

I am so pissed and so upset... I've been ballin for like an hour because I can't figure out anything! I searched the definition of federalism, and got 'the prinicples of a federalist government' so I searched federalist governemtn and got 'a government followin the prinicple of federalism' NOT HELPING!
The only reason I passed the last test was because I rewrote it after the stupid teacher lost it. And then he took off twenty marks (on a test out of FIFTY!) because I didn't hand in the review. He took everyone else's review the day of the test (which I was away for) and didn't ask for it EITHER of the times I wrote the test. So when I saw that I had a 60 in the course and asked what the fuck was up, he told me that I never handed in the review. So I gave it to him (correct and complteted) and he STILL took ten marks off for handing it in late. WHO'S FUCKING FAULT IS THAT?!?!