
I am so not happy rght now...
My civics course is a flop, I don't know what I'm going to do.
I have the Unit 2 test on wedndesday, and I have no icea what I'm doing. My teacher is a complete idiot! He only teaches when he feels like it.
All the assignments he gives us involve "the textook and the internet"
"What pages in the textbook?"
"All of them."
"... Okay... well, what internet sites?"
"Use google."
"... You know we're all going to fail this, right?"
"Not if you payed attention in class."
"Class? Oh, you mean during first period when you DON'T take attendance and then tell us to copy a note and then give us a worksheet to fill out (using the textbook and the internet) before you ditch the classroom to go smoke?"

I am so pissed and so upset... I've been ballin for like an hour because I can't figure out anything! I searched the definition of federalism, and got 'the prinicples of a federalist government' so I searched federalist governemtn and got 'a government followin the prinicple of federalism' NOT HELPING!
The only reason I passed the last test was because I rewrote it after the stupid teacher lost it. And then he took off twenty marks (on a test out of FIFTY!) because I didn't hand in the review. He took everyone else's review the day of the test (which I was away for) and didn't ask for it EITHER of the times I wrote the test. So when I saw that I had a 60 in the course and asked what the fuck was up, he told me that I never handed in the review. So I gave it to him (correct and complteted) and he STILL took ten marks off for handing it in late. WHO'S FUCKING FAULT IS THAT?!?!
