Affiliation: Karakura | Rank: Quincy | Weapon: Bow

This is me; Ishida Uryu, Quincy. Welcome, everyone

That Lullaby.

Ishida laid still, frozen, in the bed at Urahara's Shop. He, again, tilted his head back and stared up at the ceiling.

With a quiet voice, he began to hum a soft and sweet lullaby he remember his mother would sing.

The hallucinations were still around, while he tried his best to ignore it. But to no avail. "Dammit..." He sighed heavily, once again dropping an arm over his eyes.

He slowly closed his eyes, in hoping the hallucinations would remain quiet (which they did not), while he drifted off to sleep.

As he slept, Ishida found him thinking of a blurry resemblance of someone who reminded him of his mother: long black hair, and that smile Ishida could never forget.

Softly, very softly, Ishida whispered, "Mom....Mom..."

Suddenly, his eyes popped open, from hearing the hallucinations louder than they ever were. What was it?

It looked like hell around him: there were now, over a thousand hollows surrounding the lone Quincy. Ishida knew he was outmatched.

Slowly, he rose up, unable to look away from the madness before him. "N-No...stop....stop this..."

He screamed again.

