Affiliation: Karakura | Rank: Quincy | Weapon: Bow

This is me; Ishida Uryu, Quincy. Welcome, everyone


Once again, Ishida laid inside Urahara's shop, his arms killing him more than ever. Just as before, he stared up at the ceiling and tried his best to ignore the hallucinations around him.

But, he knew he could not ignore it, with the sounds, noises, around him. "Dammit..." He sighed, as he stared at the images, the Hollow and Quincy. Their battle continued on, unending, it seems.

With one more sigh, Ishida dropped an arm over his eyes, "Come on...." He breathed. "Urahara-san...Kurosaki. Please hurry..."

Suddenly, to his surprise Ishida heard something strange: silence. Except for the distant noises outside of Kisuke and Ichigo fighting, there were not one sound around him. He glanced around him, " this...?"

Then it came back.

The screams of all the hallucinating hollows around the Quincy were all around him.

From watching, Ishida shook, as he slapped his hands over his eyes. "S-Stop this..."

Hurriedly, Ishida rose up and screamed.


Illness continues

The hallucinations still occurred.

There were many hollows around him, big and small. And only one fighter, to counter and destroy them.

Ishida knew, from the figure's power, weapon, that it was indeed a Quincy; he realized that that figure was of no familiarity to him.

Feeling the sharp pain in his arm, made him slowly close his eyes, and let out a soft and heated breath. Slowly, beads of sweat ran down his forehead and down his chin.

He moved his right arm--from where he had his Quincy cross--and he felt that he was lost without his cross, his power.

With a huff of a sigh, he dropped down his arm, as he laid his head back and only stared up with unblinking eyes.

Hearing a thump, which was when Ishida dropped his arm down, send Tessai in the room, "Ishida-san?"

Ishida sent a glance, slowly toward Tessai before him. "...Hey."

"Ishida-san..." Tessai had noticed there was croak in his voice. He knelt in front of him, "Would you like something to drink? Water?"

It took a moment, a minute, before Ishida barely let out, "...No..."

He barely let out a breath, let alone a word, that it seemed inaudible toward Tessai. But, from scan the look on his face, he knew the answer.

"But, Ishida-san you need--"

"What..." Ishida breathed. " them...?"

Tessai did not question the boy. He knew what Ishida was heading for. "Do not worry, Ishida-san." Herose back up. "Mr. Kurosaki and Boss will defeat those hollows first and then they will find a cure for you."

Slowly, Ishida nodded.

"Alright. I can...wait. Since that's all...I can do now..."

To be continued

Much Worse

In the shop, Ishida had laid on the floor, staring up at the ceiling. Slowly--very slowly--he breathed, feeling droplets of sweat falling over his face.

Slowly, he pulled his spectacles off and dropped them on the floor. He reopened his eyes, being met with the area around him blurred.

Ishida looked around, finding everything spinning, in a whirl, around him now. "Wh-Wha--" Not realizing what was around him, Ishida found there was a fight happening around him.

What, and who, was it?

Taking his glasses and placing them back on, he found strange, but familiar figures. He knew not what it was, since the figures were too blurred for him to see, but the sound of an arrow flying and a loud shriek of a monster, Ishida knew.

He knew that it was a Quincy and a Hollow that were battling it out.

His eyes were focus closely onto both figures, as he felt a sharp pain on his arm. Ishida flinched, as he quickly rose up and looked over his pained arm. "This--" He noticed blue spots over his arm and on the other as well.

"What," He held out his arms, staring at the blue spots, "What is this?!?!!"

Hearing Ishida shout, Tessai walked in, "Ishida-san, are you..." He gasped from seeing the blue spots on the boy's arms as he knelt down and took his arms, "Don't move."

Ishida nodded, staying still, while Tessai started to heal his wounds.

And those strange, blue spots as well.

Healing + Riddle

Ishida sat on the floor in Urahara's shop, holding a piece of paper with the riddle he read over again:

You can tumble in it,
Roll in it,
Burn it,
Animals eat it,
Used to cover floors,
Still used beyond stall doors.
Freshens whatever it is placed on,
Absorbs whatever is poured into it.
What is it?

Ishida sighed, "Damn..."

Final guess at the riddle

*reads riddle again*


*holds a coin he found and dropped it*

Ah! *coin rolls under bed, squats down and picks up coin with a piece of paper*

What's this?