Affiliation: Karakura | Rank: Quincy | Weapon: Bow

This is me; Ishida Uryu, Quincy. Welcome, everyone


Once again, Ishida laid inside Urahara's shop, his arms killing him more than ever. Just as before, he stared up at the ceiling and tried his best to ignore the hallucinations around him.

But, he knew he could not ignore it, with the sounds, noises, around him. "Dammit..." He sighed, as he stared at the images, the Hollow and Quincy. Their battle continued on, unending, it seems.

With one more sigh, Ishida dropped an arm over his eyes, "Come on...." He breathed. "Urahara-san...Kurosaki. Please hurry..."

Suddenly, to his surprise Ishida heard something strange: silence. Except for the distant noises outside of Kisuke and Ichigo fighting, there were not one sound around him. He glanced around him, " this...?"

Then it came back.

The screams of all the hallucinating hollows around the Quincy were all around him.

From watching, Ishida shook, as he slapped his hands over his eyes. "S-Stop this..."

Hurriedly, Ishida rose up and screamed.

