"You show that you are a letter from Christ, the result of our ministry, written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of human hearts." --2 Corinthians 3:3

voi ch'intrate


A friend of mine is in a screamo band. They suck, but their guitarist is really cute. He looks kind of like a surfer guy--you know he always wears flip-flips and he's got shaggy blonde hair. Anywho, this is totally random but he got snakebites recently. And I never really realized how hot they look. I mean, seriously. He was hot before but now. Wow.

Yeah, this has been completely random but I felt like writing.

I'm going to go visit the college of my choice tomorrow. So I'll blog about that when I get back...

Random Stuff.

Went to go see Public Enemies last night. It was actually pretty good. The camera was trippy, though. It wasn't really anchored to anything so it shook really bad. It was cool for the fight scenes but for just random stuff like people talking it was kind of nauseating. Johnny Depp was really good in it, he was really in character. The main female person [I don't know the actress's name] was a little wierd...and Christian Bale's accent made me giggle.

We had to get up super early this morning [like 6:30] because my grandparents are in town and they wanted to see my sister and I before they drove home. My grandpa's pretty cool...but my grandma's really far gone. She's had a couple of strokes and so she's just kind of there. So breakfast was an awkward affair, and I was still half asleep.

In other news, I got a fairly good picture of my new haircut/colour. I dyed it purplish the other day and so the bleached streak is now an odd mixture of pink, purple and blonde... But my haircut looks cool. My sister figured out who it looks like. Akito's hair from the last chapter of Fruits Basket.

Good Times

Skipped church because we were all exhausted from our trip. My sister slept really late and I was up earlier...but not heinously early.

Went to human video which was boring and hot because the youth chapel is being remodeled and so we were in the high school's gym. And it was effing hot. But it was boring because all I did was sit there.

And now I'm eating dinner, watch the Cubs kick butt and getting ready to go see Public Enemies with some of my girlfriends. We haven't seen each other since school let out a while ago so we're all pretty lonely. I'm looking forward to seeing everybody. I'll get one later and say whether or not I liked the movie.

And that's all I have to say about that.

Home Again, Home Again.

I'm back from the beach. And I'm glad to be. I missed home.

I got my fall placement letter for dance and I'm a little pissed off. My classes are REALLY late at night. I like having my evenings to myself, thank you very much. I've got ballet on Monday from 6:15-7:30, Pointe on Thursday from 7:30-8:45. I think that's way too late to be dancing. I'm always beat by like 6 o'clock and my teacher thinks I'll be able to dance until that late at night. She's delusional. And I'm also a little pissed because she wrote on my placement letter the classes that I'm to assist...but the note she wrote makes no sense whatsoever. For one, she spelled assisting wrong, which is really annoying to my grammar police self. And then she also put down Pre-Dance maybe? Like I could do pre-dance. Pre-dance, for those of you blessed enough to not know what it is, is little kids all under the age of five jumping around like bunnies and playing those songs games that you do in kindergarten. I'm not good with really little kids. Apparently my teacher/boss seems to think I would be. She obviously doesn't know me very well...


Beach week is coming to a close. Despite my love of the ocean, I'm ready to go home. I miss my bed, mainly. I haven't slept well in the last week, mainly because I got to sleep well past midnight on most nights and because of my insomnia, I get up before 7. And now I don't feel well, I think I'm making myself sick. But I slept for like three hours this afternoon, apparently everyone else ditched me to go down to the beach while I passed out on the couch. I only really woke up because my cousin's two-year-old son woke up from his nap so he decided he was going to come snuggle on the couch with me, and hey I wasn't conlaining. He hasn't been too lovey-dovey all week [he's usally been a terror, being in the 'terrible-two's' and all...] so I took what I could get.

I feel the need to reiterate how awesome the book The Time Traveler's Wife was. Everytime I see the movie trailer I start to cry. This is what happens when you're a teenage girl who has officially fallen in love with fictional characters. I totally love the book. I want to read it again. I would if I could, but my cousin has my copy and she's currently sobbing her way through it. [We both keep crying whenever we talk about it/see the trailer.] But in all seriousness. It was one of the best books I've ever read. It was kind of girly, because it did have romance in it, but I don't think it would deter male readers just because there was action in it and the romance wasn't all that sappy. Ok, so parts of it were...anywho... [laughs] But really, we've all decided that the three of us [my sister, cousin and I] are going to go see it when it comes out. We'll have to remember to stock up on the tissues before-hand....