Random Stuff.

Went to go see Public Enemies last night. It was actually pretty good. The camera was trippy, though. It wasn't really anchored to anything so it shook really bad. It was cool for the fight scenes but for just random stuff like people talking it was kind of nauseating. Johnny Depp was really good in it, he was really in character. The main female person [I don't know the actress's name] was a little wierd...and Christian Bale's accent made me giggle.

We had to get up super early this morning [like 6:30] because my grandparents are in town and they wanted to see my sister and I before they drove home. My grandpa's pretty cool...but my grandma's really far gone. She's had a couple of strokes and so she's just kind of there. So breakfast was an awkward affair, and I was still half asleep.

In other news, I got a fairly good picture of my new haircut/colour. I dyed it purplish the other day and so the bleached streak is now an odd mixture of pink, purple and blonde... But my haircut looks cool. My sister figured out who it looks like. Akito's hair from the last chapter of Fruits Basket.
