Random rants about whatever happens to come into my brain at the time. >_>


So today I thought I would do a little updating to my website. I went to the various art challenges on this site to write the details down so I could document those details in my website alongside my art (mostly for reference later).

I checked on the Heaven and Hell challenge that I had entered a while ago only to see that the instructions for the contest had changed. Here's what it says now:

this is it! what would happen if heaven and hell, COLLIDE!
not just a tap on the shoulder meet but a full on boot to the face!
you can make it any genre you wish! comdey, violence, gore, romance! you choose!

"Boot to the face" ... hmmm... isn't that? Oh yeah, that's what I drew and submitted for the challenge. Imagine my ... amusement to find that I had been referenced (if that was indeed what he was doing). Then it occurred to me; now when people read this and view the submissions its going to look like I took those words and put them into picture form not the other way around.

I have conflicting feelings on this. I dont want to be considered an uncreative 'hack' who needs someone to reference them in order to draw. I know it's petty complaining but its just one of those things that slightly annoys me - like salt in your eyes.

New World

I added a new world to my portfolio. I started writing it a few months ago. It details the adventures of my demon, Kitarro. For those that dont know, Kitarro is a demon bounty hunter. He goes on lots of good adventures with lots of different people. Some of them are people I have made up and some are taken from animes or mangas or even video games.

I will try to put up as many chapters as I can but some of the chapters will probably be broken since this has to be rated PG-13. I always try to keep my writing tasteful but I know that some of the chapters in this story are definitely not PG-13 so they won't be added to the world. But not to worry! They have no bearing on the plot so if you miss it it won't matter.

However, if anyone wants to read the full on stuff you can check it out at: http://evil-squid.livejournal.com/

And now, Im done plugging so enjoy!


Well today is my birthday. I am not sure if I feel older or not but I definitely feel tired. Could be the many nights I have spent playing Final Fantasy Online rather than working on my writing or my art. There is just something with that game that has addicted me.

Thanks to the many many people that have wished me happy birthday today. I didnt think people even paid attention to this kind of thing especially when it came to me so imagine my surprise when I logged on and got all these 'happy birthday' wishes. Thanks guys for making it a good day.

I will repay you all with art soon!


Finally got my act together and submitted something for the Heaven/Heck competition. I had the idea on paper for about a week but I was just so lazy in coloring it. Then once I got it colored leave it to my scanner to not pick up the colors. I think I need a new scanner. Of course I need money for that so its gonna be a while. But at least I got something new in my portfolio...

Ego Trip X: The RPG

Tonight I started trying once again to recruit some role-players into my rpg. Is it just me or are role-players harder and harder to find these days? Of course maybe my standards are just too high for these people. I want competant individuals who know how to follow the rules. It seems like every time I get a new role-player in my group they have no idea what role-playing actually is or they are just god-moders. Its frustrating sometimes. I love writing and I love role-playing. I dont want my group to die but sometimes it feels like its heading in that direction. Oh the suckage of it all.

If anyone is interested in checking it out it is a role-play game based in a Final Fantasy world. It compiles Final Fantasy 7,8, and 12 along with Yami No Matsuei, The Getbackers, and Kingdom Hearts. There are also created characters in this game as well. The settings are relaxed as is the game play. I accept new characters and if anyone wants to be a character already in play they are welcome to do so. Just check us out at:


Either join or comment here and let me know you're interested. The only downside (unfortunately) is that you have to have a Yahoo account. Of course it's free but I know sometimes opening a new account is more of a hassle.

Anyway, that is my advert in this World thingy. Maybe it will bring in some new business...