
So today I thought I would do a little updating to my website. I went to the various art challenges on this site to write the details down so I could document those details in my website alongside my art (mostly for reference later).

I checked on the Heaven and Hell challenge that I had entered a while ago only to see that the instructions for the contest had changed. Here's what it says now:

this is it! what would happen if heaven and hell, COLLIDE!
not just a tap on the shoulder meet but a full on boot to the face!
you can make it any genre you wish! comdey, violence, gore, romance! you choose!

"Boot to the face" ... hmmm... isn't that? Oh yeah, that's what I drew and submitted for the challenge. Imagine my ... amusement to find that I had been referenced (if that was indeed what he was doing). Then it occurred to me; now when people read this and view the submissions its going to look like I took those words and put them into picture form not the other way around.

I have conflicting feelings on this. I dont want to be considered an uncreative 'hack' who needs someone to reference them in order to draw. I know it's petty complaining but its just one of those things that slightly annoys me - like salt in your eyes.
