Day Two! Or Is It Three? :p

As you can see I am trying to get this figured out or rather shifted to a theme I like. I do love purple but finding nifty pictures to match the current shade instead of altering the shade to match the picture is a challenge. :p I do like the intro banner I made, however I'm not completely satisfied with the background image so that's likely to change in the near future. Provided I can actually find something I like.

Hmmm as for what's up in my life? I spent countless hours this week doing essay questions for homework. Way too much time doing it and the result has me feeling lazy and brain dead right about now. I've also been pretty active in a couple of rpg's over at OtakuBoards though unlike homework that doesn't kill my brain. Well... that's not entirely true, one kind of does, even though it is fun. It's only one aspect of it that results in the urge to bang one's head on one's desk. :p

Let's see the three I'm currently in are Silver One, Shinigami Dance and The Almagest Legacy. Silver One is a Sci-Fi one based on SunfallE's story that she will be putting up here at a world dedicated to the original story. It's quite a lot of fun really so I'm looking forward to the world on it.

The second is a bit of what the name entails with Vampires tossed into the mix. That one is supremely fun in that there are four players left out of the original six on account of the original creator getting bored with it. What makes it fun is it's a four way control as we all run it and it's proven to be quite a bit of fun. It's amazing how much fun you can have with people who write well, are creative and don't have a stupid ego getting in the way of giving everyone a say. No stubborn jackasses if you will. Those of you who rpg know what I'm talking about.

The last? Oh is that one a good example of pandora's box if there ever was one. The story itself is fun, but it's challenging to get a story together when you have so many strong willed players. Some who are quite talented at writing. There are other things too but overall it's fun. It's coming to a close though, which makes me both sad and happy to get to the conclusion.

Anyway, that about sums things up for me. School, some work and goofing off over at OtakBoards in different rpg's once any moderation work is done. Which often isn't all that much. :p

EDIT: Never mind on the background image, I finally found one I like so the new one is up. Heh.
