Jedi Master,Naruto Uzumaki

Chpt five (continued)

"And my guests?" Naruto questioned,"I have been told by one of the Lieutenants on the bridge,that they have been processed and documentation was created so they can pass themselves off as Republic citizens." The officer stated.
"Good,good." Naruto said as he walked off,two uniformed republic soldiers -
followed him through a door the slid closed with a hiss,he walked down the long hallways the pure white corridors for what he thought were hours until he reached the bridge,He walked in and walked up behind a senior officer sitting at a monitor in the front-center of the bridge,"Commander,Set course for Dantooine." Naruto said,"Dantooine?..But sir.." "Do not question the order." Naruto cut him off,"Yes sir." The senior officer said reluctantly,
"You two men stay here on the bridge and keep me posted." He said to his guards,Naruto walked through the white-washed corridors with his Black hooded robe flowing as he stepped,he found himself in the dormitory section of the ship,Naruto saw two guards stationed outside one of the doors and curiosity got the better of him so he walked up to them,"Any reason you're guarding this door?" He asked,"One of your guests sir,Resisted being "detained" so we had to use a stun shot from a blaster rifle." The guard on the right said,"Was it the bun-haired girl?" Naruto questioned,The soldier paused for a moment and then summoned up the courage,"Yes sir." He said with his voice wavering,"Ah...She's a fighter...Watch her closely,she's a ninja." He said jokingly,"Y-yes sir." The guard stammered.
A star-destroyer seems to fade in out of nowhere and an entire fleet appears behind it standing at the bridge of the ship a Darklord stands with his arms He's taller than anyone that the crew has ever seen,maybe taller than a Wookiee,a man in a dark-coloured admiral's uniform,"My lord...We have lost them,They must've went into hyperspace." The Admiral stammered.The darklord turned around and stared at him,he shown a black hooded head with a white mask with red paint below the eyes,"Krr'sh a lighhh,krrresh!" came an un-human from the darklord. He grabbed the admiral by his neck and lifted him off his feet,
"I'm...I'm sorry sir,Please! I won't fail you again!" The Darklord dropped him and he landed in a kneeling form trying to breath,"Krggh'lok,Shi'krgh'kasshan!"
Came his almost dripping with evil voice,the Admiral nodded and immedietly walked off,the Darklord then turned around and gazed out of the viewport.
The skies On Dantooine were particularly peaceful so one of the more,Ditzy Jedi Academy students walked through the Enclave's garden,"Ah...Such a peaceful day." The girl said,Letting the strange tall flowers brush her Jedi Tunic,she considered training on the Kath hounds with her lightsaber,but she just wanted to rest in the garden after the hard training she endured,
A jedi Woman,Master Vash A light pink-skinned Jedi Master came running into the Garden to her student,"Padawan Miyoko! Come,You must prepare for Master Uzumaki's arrival on the Harbinger!" The young jedi Woman said,"Ugh..Do I have to?" Miyoko groaned,"Yes,Padawan Miyoko,Get to your quaters and dress in your finest Jedi Robes and meditate until he arrives!" Master Vash said fumingly,
The Young Master Vash was strong for her looks,she picked Miyoko up by the collar of her tunic and carried her back in the Enclave.
As Naruto walked along the Halls of the Harbinger he found the Genin wandering around,He found ino talking to a young Padawan boy who looked a little Like Sasuke,Naruto Found Gai-sensei and lee in the gym of the ship,He also found Tenten trying out the different weapons in the Ship's armory,under the supervision of a Republic officer,He roamed the halls more and found Neji speaking to an old brown-skinned man in Jedi Robes,He was known as Master Dorak,a jedi councilman and Chronicler of the Jedi,he was talking about the History of the Republic and the jedi while neji listened conetently,While he searched more,he found Shikamaru,asleep in his room,
He finally found himself at the Ship's garden and meditated in the silence and the automatic watering system quietly makes a misty-rain the waters the plants and makes a calming sound for jedi meditating,Naruto sat and soon heard footsteps behind him,he leaped up instinctively with lightsaber in hand but not activated,it was Tenten looking surprised from her Master's reaction.
"Master?" She asked,bewildered,"Sorry,Tenten,It was instinct." Naruto explained,"Tenten,Sit with me..I wish to teach you something." Naruto said,
Tenten sat in a meditative position on her knees,
"Tenten,The philosophy of the Force states that the Force should be used to aid others,as well as the Jedi,This teaching shall help you." Naruto explained.
"Yes Master." Tenten said calmly.
"Calm,clear your mind of all distractions." Naruto said as he closed his eyes,A beautiful Blue Rose was gently picked by an unseen entity and floated over to Tenten's hands she held it,"Thankyou,Master." She said as she tucked it stylishly in her hair,She then watched attentively,
Naruto pulled out a small pouch and poored out the contents which were small parts and crystals mixed in,"Tenten,This will be your lightsaber when you put it together." Naruto said as Tenten held her hand out and concentrated,But within the shadows of a statue in the garden,a shadowed figure watched and snuck off,After abit of concentration,she gave up,mentally exhausted.
"I can't do it Master." She said,drained.
"You can do it,You just need to prepare your mind more,Tell me,besides weapons,what else do you use?" Naruto questioned her,
"Uhh...Eheheh.." She stammered embarrassed,"I see.." Naruto said Sarcastically
"Well,This is a gift I wanted to give you." Naruto hands her a gift wrapped box
She opens it delicately,And looks in it to see a Light blue colored tunic and on top,a Small Ring sized light blue Opila Crystal,"What's the crystal for?" Tenten asked,"Keep it in your robe pocket,It might come in handy." Naruto said,crpytically