Jedi Master,Naruto Uzumaki

Chapter 4

"Tenten.." Naruto started,"You will take a path set for you,Only by your choice..If you wish to be trained seek me through the Force...And yes.."
FLASHBACK : "Well...Maybe you can show me around, Konoha,And after our little talk,I'll take you out to dinner of course after our little tour." Naruto said..."Sure,That sounds just fine." She said as she thought "What an interesting guy..Konoha's gonna get interesting real quick." She thought.
"So,What shall we see first?" Tenten asked,Naruto was looking down with a grim face,"Just wherever,Everything's so different since I was last here..." He said with a low tone faking a smile. "Something wrong?" Tenten asked..Her eyes glimmering in the moonlit streets of the approaching night,"No...I was thinking about something." He looks at her with soulful eyes,"You know,Your eyes look beautiful in this moonlight." She blushed without Naruto's notice,"Umm..Thankyou.." She couldn't help but thinking,"Wow,This guy's abit of a romantic.." She did think happily blushing slightly.."What am I thinking?" Naruto asked himself in thought,Their tour ended uneventfuly in front of the Wolfclaw Weapons emporium.Naruto bowed and kissed Tenten's hand,"May the Force be with you." He said with a smile on his face,"And May the Force be with you,My master." She said quickly before blushing again, She turned and went inside and Naruto left hurrying to the apartment and going to bed after taking a shower,Tenten awoke the next morning she looked around her room...surprisingly having instead of weapons,plush girly-girl items around, her window was open she looked out and Naruto lowered his head upside down and said,"Good morning,Ten-chan!" He said,Tenten looked at him and realised something and slaps him off balance saying,"Pervert!" She said angrily without her father's notice,Naruto plummeted to the ground and lay sprawled out on the ground,Tenten Hurried and dressed into her normal clothes and Hurried out to check on Naruto whom she knows as Ranger,"Hello?...Master? Are you okay?"
He jumped up with a smile and said,"Never better!" Tenten looked at him and blinked twice,"You're awfully manic this morning." Naruto calmed himself,"Sorry,I'm just excited over finally training a Jedi Hopeful.."
"Oh,Uhh...One question."...She asked looking abit confused,
"Yes?" Naruto said, "You seem awfully protective of me,And you just met me the day before..Why is that?" She asked, will continue--