Here We Go Again (Digimon fanfiction)

Chapter 28: A Helping Hand

"What are we going to do?" Kaylee panicked.

"Calmed down we'll think of something." Tommy said.

Ryuu paced in front of the bed. "What are we going to do?" He mumbled to himself.

"Duskmon could have been the one preventing you from touching Koichi?" Noelle suggested.

"That didn't help any Noelle." Ryuu yelled rubbing his temples.

"It was just a statement you don't have to yell at me." Noelle stated.

"No I- I didn't mean to yell at you. I'm just worried is all. I can't even get near him. Then Koji isn't telling me anything. I think he actually passed out. So I don't even know how to figure out how to get near him." He sighed in frustration.

"Well can't you wake him up or something?" Noelle questioned.

"I can't physically get near him unless I'm either the one inside or I'm out. And I don't plan on getting knocked out anytime soon." Ryuu explained.

"Okay then that solution is out of the question." Noelle pondered.

"Oh I got it none of us can help him right?" June suggested.

"You're not saying that we should send Sasuke and Takuya to help Him are you?" J.P said.

"That's exactly what I'm thinking." June ran over to her desk and pulled out a box. "Take Koichi into Sasuke's room, I'll be there in a few seconds."

Matt took Koichi into the room and sat him down in the chair that was in the room. June ran in and pulled Koichi as close to the bed as she could. She touched a very thin wire to Koichi's temple and it latched on.

"I need you to hold down Sasuke." June stated.

Tommy, Ryuu, J.P, and Matt held down his arms and legs. Then June attached the opposite end of the wire. Sasuke's eyes opened and he tried to get out of their grip. After a minute he laid still once again and his eyes became emotionless. He was just an empty shell with a heartbeat.

"Now the only thing we can do is hope for the best." June said.


Sasuke and Takuya plummeted towards the ground.

"Ouch." Sasuke groaned as Takuya landed on top of him.

"Sorry." He said not in the best of shape from the fall either.

"Can you get off of me?" He asked.

Uryuu was slammed into the wall just above them. He fell forward. Sasuke just caught him.

"Uryuu are you alright? Where are we? How did Takuya and I get here?"

"Don't ask so many questions my head hurts." He groaned.

Takuya caught Koichi's fists. "What are you doing Koichi?"

"T-Takuya?!" Koichi whispered some emotion coming back to his eyes.

"NO YOU MUST OBEY ME!" Duskmon's voice echoed.

"Ah." The emotion left his eyes again and he got one of his hands free and knocked him into the air. Koichi went to punch him back down to the ground but Takuya spun and kicked Koichi away then went after him.

"Fine you want to fight then I guess I have no other choice now do I?" Takuya landed and went after him.

"I'm fine." Uryuu answered.

"Where are we? We can't be in the real world." Sasuke said.

"No we're in Koichi's subconscious. I'm not sure how you got here but they must have done something to get you two here." He finished.

"Wonderful." Sasuke laughed as he looked up to see how Takuya was doing.

"I think there has to be some sort of device controlling him. That could be the only explanation on why he can keep going like that." Uryuu explained then he gripped his leg. "Don't worry it's just a scratch. It won't last long."

Takuya was knocking Koichi all over the place he wouldn't let up for a second.

"Takuya look for some sort of device on Koichi. Uryuu thinks that's how Duskmon is controlling him." Sasuke ordered.

"Easy for you to say." Takuya ducked then jumped.

"One thousand blades slash." They rained down on Takuya.

"Someone must really hate me." Takuya sighed bringing out his staff and blocked the attack. "My turn." He threw the staff in the air and grabbed the end of it. "Batter up." He swung the staff and it hit Koichi right in the gut.

Takuya got behind him and slammed him down to the ground. He kept pressure on Koichi's arms so he couldn't get up.

"There's something on his neck." Takuya said.

"Whatever you do don't move." Sasuke demanded.

An arrow breezed by his ear and hit the charm that was on Koichi's neck.

"You could have hit me Uryuu." Takuya shouted.

"But I didn't did I?" Uryuu chuckled letting his bow and empty quiver disappear.

Takuya got off of Koichi and he laid still. Sasuke walked over. The arena faded back to the darkness and the clashing of swords in the dark seemed to never exist. Loweemon walked out of the darkness.

"What happened?" Uryuu asked.

"He just suddenly disappeared. I don't know where he went I can't find a single trace of him anywhere." Loweemon answered honestly.

"Hopefully he doesn't come back." Uryuu sighed at the thought of having to fight Koichi again.

"Hey Koichi, wake up." Sasuke said snapping his fingers a few times in front of Koichi's face.

He moved his arms and gradually pushed his way up onto his knees. "It feels like I was hit with a truck." He groaned holding his head.

"Takuya did hit you pretty hard." Sasuke laughed.

"Why are you two here? Especially in the condition that your bodies in?" Koichi asked.

"That's right we were cut up really bad." Sasuke remembered.

"You two actually had surgery." Uryuu stated.

"SURGERY!?" They shouted in unison.

"Yea 250 stitches that sounds about right don't it Koichi?"


"Great now how am I supposed to tell my mom and dad about this?" Takuya sighed smacking himself in the head.

"Good luck with that." Sasuke smirked.

"Hey you're helping too."

"No I'm not your parents don't know about me. In that matter any of us. And I do believe you never told them about your cell phone turning into a D-tector and that's why you can't answer any of their calls."

"You can be such a jerk sometimes Sasuke."

"Well you can be an obnoxious little brat at points but I don't complain about that now do I?"

"You two are so much alike." Koichi and Uryuu said at the same time.

"It looks like our times up." Sasuke sighed looking at his hand. He stood up and walked over to Takuya he leaned on him. "See you when we wake up." He said before completely disappearing.

The wire connecting the two broke and gently fell to the floor. Sasuke ended up taking a deep breath.

"Sounds like they made it back." Zoe stated holding his ice cold hand.

Koichi opened his eyes.

"Koichi." Kaylee said in relief.

"Hey." He smiled. "I wish they would wake up I didn't get a chance to thank them." He looked up and saw Koji smiling at him.
"Koji." He tears started forming in the corners of his eyes.

"Koichi don't cry." Kaylee begged.

He hugged her. "I'll be fine. Don't worry." He whispered. "I'll smile again."

Koji and Noelle blushed and looked away from each other. Koichi went to kiss her but stopped. He changed into Uryuu and he sat back in the chair.


'I'm not going to let you have any fun for a while.' Uryuu started laughing.

"Hey what's so funny?" Kaylee huffed.

"That's not going to happen for a while sweet heart." Uryuu kissed her forehead.


He just laughed.