Welcome to my hell. its a warm place i like to come from time to time
wont you join me for a bit?

About #OpFreeAishah

In short: We are trying to save a young british girl, A'ishah Sabra. who was abducted in Egypt during 2009 and as of yet has not been returned to her mother. This is their story; please take a moment to sign and share the petition!

The "official" pastie, from http://pastebin.com/fgJdkkb9 (edited to include current handles):
Greetings Anonymous

In recent news, a Britain born child has been kidnapped by her father in Egypt for the second time. He is refusing to give this little girl, Aishah, back to her mother, even though she has full custody of the child. Further into the story, the child is being abused. This knowledge was acquired by her mother on an access visit that was allowed by the Egyptian courts. She noticed human bite marks and bruises.
Note: The girl is five 1/2 years old, the tradition of genital mutilation starts at six.

@Ang3lic_War started #OpFreeAishah to help her mother ultimately get her child back from her abusive father, stopping at nothing to get the girl back safely.

To help this operation, we ask for you to sign a petition to get 10,000 signatures. This is the minimum to make an impact so the (British) government will step in.

The abuse this child is suffering will make an impact on the rest of her life. To end the further damage she experiences every day, please spread the word to all of your family, friends, coworkers, neighbours, and everyone you know.

Petition Link: http://www.change.org/en-GB/petitions/foreign-and-commonwealth-office-br...

Twitter accounts:
@Gothic _Artisan

Much love, heartbreak, and supporters,

Us, Anonymous

A THANK YOU TO Klassic !!!

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this is so nice :D cant find a way to say thanks!!

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One i made for her! spread the word!
thare is a walle hope this helps spread the word even more! ENJOY

