Welcome to the Marilyn Manson world!! This world is for Marilyn Manson fans only.

MM is on twitter now!

You can find MM on twitter.com and see what's he is thinking.
http://twitter.com/MarilynManson I know that twitter is popular now since it was in Japan first.

MM had the swine flu,... but not any more!

MM started to get the swine flu during the past few months. but now, he's starting to get much better.

MM has autobiography!

He has an autobiography called, "The long hard road otta hell". It's all about Marilyn Manson's life and all. I got this from a site:http://www.lacarmina.com/blog/

I like MM's new music video <3

I saw arma-godd-mn-mother-f----n-gedden on youtube.com and it rocked!! You should see it.
