Part 7: The Plan

Kyon scribbled agressivly at a pad of paper form the point of knowing the future, to getting to the hotel.
"'Step one," he muttered quietly to himself. "Get closer to Haruhi. Step two: Keep her as far away from Itsuki as possible. Step three: If Itsuki resists, kindly punch him in the gut. Step four: Help Itsuki admit to himself that he's gay, so that he breaks up with Haruhi. Step five: Dry her tears. Step six: be as romantic as possible to woo Haruhi. Step eight: ... you know...that thing...with the egg...and stuff make sure that the child is mine so that it won't destroy the universe. Ster nine: wait.' That sounds like a good plan." He handed the paper to Mikuru, who read it and smiled.
"Great Idea. The whole gay thing works. He needs to accept his homosexuality." Kyon's voice dropped to an even lower whisper.
"If he's gay, then why is he dating Haruhi?"
"Either it's a way to lie to himself, or his possesd. Both are equally likeley." Kyon placed his hand against his forehead.
"We're switching movies. Our stories have jumped from National Lampoon's Vacation, to The Day The Earth Stood Still and finally, to The Exorcist. Great. Just great.
