This world will consist of randome stores
I come up withand Diary entrys from Griselda
who is a character in my story-in-progres Scarlet Kiss
The diary entres are from the thired part of the story,
wich will be maid into a fan manga.
Well enjoy my randomestores and randome diary entres.

Diary entry 1

This is my first day in captivity. I was just informed who turned me in.
I can’t believe that he did it. The love of my life Demetri. He betrayed
me by telling my secret to my enemy after he promised he would never
tell a soul. he broke his promise and my heart , I don’t think I’ll be
able to forgive him this time. My prison is dark and secluded, but
I’m used to both so I might survive. I hope the rumors of this place are
Wrong. I don’t want to end up being some ones lab rat. My birthday
is in two days some birthday that I’ll be. The other prisoners say they
do tests on us nude. I hope they are wrong well I’ll find out tomorrow
I hope the others are wrong.

August 22, 2008
