I is back :P
Currently playing FF7- expect a essay/feature sometime soon.

Help- My Electronics hate me!

after today, when I got home, I found out that every wireless device I own has begun some kind of rebellion. my laptop, DS, and PSP have decided that they want the easy life from now on. My laptop connects to the internet whenever it likes, at whatever speed it pleases. my DS and psp refuse to confirm the existence of our SKY broadband router/modem, despite the fact it can clearly see it.
this is not helped by the fact its my turn to pick what film to watch, without access to ign or odeon's websites to check whats on. So, Uh, any ideas?

on a more positve note however, I highly recommend anyone with an Xboxlive account to download the 2 part documentary on ninjas, in celebration of the release of ninja gaiden 2. it covers the history of the ninja, weapons they used etc, plus tons of footage of the game, and how they all tie together. better yet, its free, meaning all you need to watch is 2.4 gigs on your hardrive.
