Hey guy's. as an avid video game lover i have decided to dedicate this page and its posts to video games. I'll try my best to do good research and get some good information that not every one and their grandma knows so wish me luck and if you're like me but a little more, well informed, send me a pm and ill see about making a guest poster. anyway, im going to have to wait till the weekend to work on the layout and design. and since i have never done this on the otaku and i am more accustomed to html it might take me a bit to learn. but to hell with it, it'll be fun.

Halo Movie

Ok, as everyone knows, or should know if videogames are a thing you enjoy, the game of the year for its first and second game, Halo, is being made compatable with the big screen. I'm hoping it's not going to be as big of a flop that the director is making it out to be. Now if Guillermo del Toro had done the Halo movie instead of Hell Boy II, I'm pretty sure it wouldn't suck as bad as it's starting to turn out like. I did some digging and didn't have to look very far or hard to find some movie trailers and clips. On youtube, if you search "Halo Movie" you will get a ton of fanboys that are saying how much they love Halo, and you will get a movie clip about 8 minutes long that is the begining of the movie, and a trailer or two. If you have watched the begging 8 minutes you will be like me and hope that the movie is not going to be that crappy all the way through. I understand they havn't gotten the kinks and such worked out and that they need to smooth it over, ALOT MORE, but i pray to god that it's not going to be like that, THE WHOLE DAMN MOVIE! So when i get home today, I'll try to embed the first 8 minutes and a move trailer, if it's to difficult for you to find. Good day gammers.
