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"... That voice you hear in your head when you’re not talking is not defined by your body. That voice is truth. It is the infinite. You are more than just a body. You are a mind. So get creative. Live for that voice. Because like everyone always told you, It’s what’s on the inside that counts."

~Bunny Bennet

background art by bunny bennett


Elapsam semel occasionem non ipse potest Iuppiter reprehendere

Buso Renkin!

Hooray first post! (besides teh thingy below)
So today I was bored being home alone, and I went on the funimation channel(my drug) and I discovered BUSO RENKIN! So it's this awesome anime where the main character, Kazuki Muto, dies in the first 30 seconds (he's brought back to life though, by this girl Takiko) and he helps her fight homunculus monsters created by some gay buttterfly man (I don't know his name yet XD). They fight using the Buso Renkin, which is amazingly awesome ^^ Anyway, I'm only on the third episode but it's so good! It's a Shonen anime, so it's basically all about fighting, but it definitally has it's funny moments. So, I command you to watch it! Heeeheee ^^
