HI everyone I am Cilla, (short for Priscilla) and I love words, music, drawing, movies, anime/manga, painting, and a ton of other stuff.
I will be writing on here and occasionally sharing my poetry or cool pics. I created this world to show the beauty in life and how sometimes our or my mistakes can become art or at least memorable.

I love to draw, paint and write and this is where I hope to express my feelings. So far my experience on theO has been very positive and Hopefully it continues that way. Any questions just ask and I'll be happy to answer them.

and with that, welcome to BEAUTIFUL MISUNDERSTANDINGS!

Sorry I've been gone so long

Life has been a bit crazy, not in a bad way though.
Just busy and fun.

Last week I went on vacation with my family. We rented a beach house for a week. I got so tanned and the Ocean felt so amazing!
Everyday I spent at least an hour in the ocean. The waves were perfect almost everyday for boogie boarding. I had never tried boogie boarding before this trip and I officially am in love with it.
So again sorry for not posting in a while. I hope you all are doing well.
