Hello, people of the O. I am KalySama, and this is...
Randomness!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Where random things are done! Here are some facts about me:

Name: Kaly

Hair: brown and long

Eyes: brown

Height: 5'2" (almost)

Manga Club
the internet (is that considered a hobby??)

Favorite Animes/Mangas:
1) D.Gray-Man
2) Hetalia Axis Powers
3) Eden of the East
4) Soul Eater
5) Ouran High School Host Club
6) Tsubasa Resivoir Chronicles
7) Avatar the Last Airbender
8) Fruits Basket
9) Full Metal Panic
10) Full Metal Alchemist
11) Angel Beats!
12) Chobits

Favorite Books:
Harry Potter
The Hunger Games
The Princess Diaries
This Lullaby
Someone Like You

Favorite TV Shows:
Once Upon a Time
Modern Family
Phineas and Ferb

Favorite Food: pasta!!!!! also chocolate ice cream.

Favorite Colors: green, purple, blue, yellow

Likes: apple juice, my cat Guiness, books, dolphins!!!

Dislikes: the ocean, the"popular" girls, Science, inturuptions

Guest Posters

You say pink
I say black
You say Joe Jonas
I say Bill Kaulitz
You say Holister
I say Hot Topic
You say Hip-Hop,
I say Pop/Rock.
You say high heels
I say high tops
You say I'm Punk
I say It's better than being a prep
You say I'm weird
if u agree put this on your world

All right I think thats it!! oh and you can call me Kaly, Kaly-chan or KalySama, whichever you prefer ^^

TAGGED!!!!!!!!! XD

Tagged by Lina chan!!!!!!!!!!!!

1.What is your favorite color?
green, yellow, purple, blue!!

2.What are you wearing?

3.Describe your personality in 6 words
calm, writer, reader, friendly, focused, individualistic (big word!!!)

4.What is your favorite anime?

5.Skittles or M&Ms?

6.What did you do today?
read, drew, texted, played with my cat, watched Avatar The Last Airbender *sigh* my life is kinda boring sometimes...

SOFTBALL!!!!! But only if you're not a snobby jock about it.

8.Did you eat breakfast? If so, what did you eat?
i did! i had Cinnamon Life cereal

9.How old are you?
that depends... :3

10.What media do you prefer to use while drawing?
i don't understand the question...

11.What types of music do you listen to?
hmm... i listen to a lot of music...

12.Did you enjoy being tagged by me?
i did! XD

umm... this question is blank, Lina. hmmm... LAVI!!!!!!!!!!!!

hahaha XD all right!! the time has come to tag again!!

i tag:
Lina Miyazaki
akachi shiro
piggyback garu

My questions:

1) Buon Giorno, amici! Come stai?
2) My favorite food is (blank)
3) Did you know the japanese word for otaku looks like this: オタク?? And if so, why havn't you informed me of this imformation?!
4) Pancakes go best with (blank)
5) The correct answer to #4 was syrup!! Did you answer correctly?
6) Have you ever run straight into a wall?
7) CATS!!!!! What is your opinion on them?? (answer wisely )
8) Have you ever had a secret desire to be a ninja???
9) Can you draw manga??
10) If you can, what are you best at drawing at?
11) It's done!!!!!!!!!!!! Nuuuuuuuuuu!!!!!!!!!!!! Did you enjoy it???

Tagged by Cat!!

yes!!!!!! tagged for the third time!!!!!!!!!! XD XD XD

1. 'Ello there! What's up?
i"m answering these questions when i should be doing my homework ^^

2. Right or left?

3. Up or down?

4. Cookieeeeeeee O.o
I LOVE COOKIES!!!!!! *noms cookie* are they chocolate chip??

5. TEA!
ugh >.< sorry, Caitta

6. Bunneh or kitteh?
KITTEH!!! Definatly!!!!

7. ICE!!!!! *slips and faceplants*
*gasp* ICE!!!! MY WORST ENEMY!!!!!!! D:

8. Do you like PANDAS?!
Who doesn't like pandas??!!

9. Cake or cupcake?
Cupcake!!!!!!!!! XD

10. TEN! Is only divisible by five and-
ugh, math *sigh* um, 2, i think??

11. This is reversable! It's 11 either way! Why does it have to eeeeeend?!
nuuuuuuuuuu!!!!!!!!! D: D: D:


I realize that my newest avatar might cause some questions, so in this post i shall explain it!!
This is my avatar:

This is a pic of Ziva David from my favorite non-anime show, NCIS. its soooooooooooooo good!! For those of you who don't know, NCIS is a goverment agency in the USA. It stands for Naval Criminal Investigative Service. It investigates (and hopefully solves) the death of a marine or naval officer. (if i'm wrong about any of this, please don't blame me- i've only been watching it for a short time.) This show focuses on a single team of agents in the NCIS headquarters in Washington D.C. and the crimes they solve. Each episode is about them solving a different crime. It might sound serious, but it's REALLY funny. Ziva is one of the only girls on the team. She kicks serious butt. She grew up in Israel and has a hard time pronouncing English words/phrases. She is very handy with a handheld gun. I recomemd this to just about everyone.
The rating:
T.V. 14

Tagged Again!!! ^^

i was tagged (kinda) by Caitta, yay!!

1.Who are you?!
Kaly, of course!

2.What are you doing here?!
answering your questions, Caitta.

3.Did you have good food today?
i had apple juice!!!! XD thats good food to me!!

yay!! i had it for dinner, it had pinapple on it!

5.Perith: "Gah what's a forest?!!!"
trees!! and plants!! and birds!! and animals!! all mixed together in one glorious ecosystem!!!!

6. "Tutle; the ultimate form of new world transportation" will it be?!
of course!!!

7. Nuuuuuuuuu seven is prime!!!!! D:
gah!!!!! not prime!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! D: D: D:

8. Symetry __________(more fill in teh blank!)
makes the world go round!!! Yay, Death the Kid!!

9. What do you do with.....A SLINKY?!
try and hurt Marge with it in as many ways as i can.

10. How about........french fries? O.o
eat them, duh!!! either that or throw them at people i don't like ^^

11. Kyahahaha! I did this fast! Once you answer this you will be thrown into the gaping pit of doom, never to return again....
WHAT???!!! NUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!!

mwuhahaha!!! i did it- for the second time!! fear me and my question-answering abilities!!!
Sorry but i really don't know enough people to tag again :( so sorry about that.


KyanChan tagged me!!!!!!
Lets begin, shall we??
1) What's Your Favorite Outfit?
It changes all the time. Right now it's the new shirt I got for Christmas, (It says: " Real Men Don't Sparkle. Real Men Defeat Dark Wizards" ^^ it's Harry Potter-ish) jeans, my new dolphin charm bracelet, and boots.

2) What is the best thing that happened to you today?
Hmmmm... I had a pretty boring day, so it was probably just finding out there was a new book in one of my favorite series.

3) If you could meet anyone, who would it be...?
If it was a real person, then J.K. Rowling. If it was a fake person, then Lavi from D.Gray-Man.

4) Who's your favorite singer/ band?
Again, this changes all the time. Right now it's probably either the band The Fray or Brittney Spears, because for some bizarre reason, I can't stop listening to her songs.

5) If you could meet any member of TheO that you don't know, who would it be?
Assuming none of them were creepy stalkers (this is not meant to offend anyone. I'm just saying...) then probably either Halfway Vamped or mangalover567.

6) What country would you like to visit the most?
Italy, because
A) I'm learning the language in school and
B) there's tons of pasta!!! ^^

7) If you could be ANYONE for a day, who would you be?
I'd be the president, so I could finally see what the inside of the White House looked like.

8) What did you do today?
Read, drew, listened to music, ran errands, tried rock candy for the first time (it's so good!! ^^) went on the computer, watched The Polar Express.

9) Did you see any other TheO members in real life today? If so, who?
No, unfortunately >.<

10) What's a good anime recomandation?
D.Gray-Man and/or Fullmetal Alchemist

11) Do you know any other otaku in real life?
catsworld, KyanChan, LinaMiyazaki, LunaCrecant, Prussiaeva

Yes!!!!!! I did it!!!!! I tag:

Puppet Mistress
NeKo MoonShine

My Questions:
1) What are you doing right now?
2) What would you like to be doing right now?
3) CHEESE! your response?
4) Cats or dogs?
5) If there was one thing about TheO you could change, what would it be?
6) What are you wearing right now?
7) Do you watch any non-anime shows? If so, than what are your favorite ones?
8) If you could be any animal in the whole world, what would you be??
9) Would you come to the dark side if they had cookies?
10) What is your absolute favorite anime/manga?
11) The last question!! Anything else would'd like to say?

Sorry they're kinda stupid... i just woke up so what can i say??