TAGGED!!!!!!!!! XD

Tagged by Lina chan!!!!!!!!!!!!

1.What is your favorite color?
green, yellow, purple, blue!!

2.What are you wearing?

3.Describe your personality in 6 words
calm, writer, reader, friendly, focused, individualistic (big word!!!)

4.What is your favorite anime?

5.Skittles or M&Ms?

6.What did you do today?
read, drew, texted, played with my cat, watched Avatar The Last Airbender *sigh* my life is kinda boring sometimes...

SOFTBALL!!!!! But only if you're not a snobby jock about it.

8.Did you eat breakfast? If so, what did you eat?
i did! i had Cinnamon Life cereal

9.How old are you?
that depends... :3

10.What media do you prefer to use while drawing?
i don't understand the question...

11.What types of music do you listen to?
hmm... i listen to a lot of music...

12.Did you enjoy being tagged by me?
i did! XD

umm... this question is blank, Lina. hmmm... LAVI!!!!!!!!!!!!

hahaha XD all right!! the time has come to tag again!!

i tag:
Lina Miyazaki
akachi shiro
piggyback garu

My questions:

1) Buon Giorno, amici! Come stai?
2) My favorite food is (blank)
3) Did you know the japanese word for otaku looks like this: オタク?? And if so, why havn't you informed me of this imformation?!
4) Pancakes go best with (blank)
5) The correct answer to #4 was syrup!! Did you answer correctly?
6) Have you ever run straight into a wall?
7) CATS!!!!! What is your opinion on them?? (answer wisely )
8) Have you ever had a secret desire to be a ninja???
9) Can you draw manga??
10) If you can, what are you best at drawing at?
11) It's done!!!!!!!!!!!! Nuuuuuuuuuu!!!!!!!!!!!! Did you enjoy it???
