Hello there! I've been a member of this site for awhile but haven't been really active on it. I'm hoping to become a bit more active and will use this to share interesting tidbits as well as strange/ weird dreams I tend to have. Thanks for looking!

More Sengoku Basara

So its become a serious obsession xD Just got the PSP game Battle Heroes from Japan today(my friend got it for us so we could feed our never ending desire) Can't understand a lick of it beyond Date's engrish but it's a lot of fun nonetheless. All of the characters are in it and most are playable so there's a lot of excitement considering how few characters there were in Sengoku Basara 3. Just thought I'd update with that =3

Happy Sengoku Basara 3 Release!

The game got released today!! So far it's an amazing game, the co-op is a lot of fun. If your a fan of Sengoku Basara go get it nao xD

Back from NDK

Would have updated yesterday, but was way too tired. NDK was pretty fun this year there were so many people it was a bit overwhelming, makes me look forward to the cap their putting on the convention next year. Surprisingly Katekyo Hitman Reborn was not as well known as I had first thought, very few actually recognized my friends and I. Best part of the con was probably the Reborn and Tales of photoshoots, both were really small and we all got to play around and get into funny poses, it was awesome.

Overall it was a pretty good year, the dealer's room kind of sucked as they had no Sengoku Basara merchandise and it was all mainstream anime stuff. Otherwise it was a good weekend that went by way too fast. Now to get ready for next year!

Nan Desu Kan: 4 Days

NDK is in 4 days! Going to cosplay Lambo twenty years(Reborn) later and Yuri Lowell(First Strike) I'm pretty stoked about it, hopefully there won't be any drama.
Another thing is we've decided what we're going to do for the NDK New Years Eve party. It took a lot of thought but we're going to be Prom date versions of the Sengoku Basara characters, should be funny.

Will update again after NDK.

Scott Pilgrim

So yesterday I went up to see a friend who lives in Boulder, and the heat was killing us so we went to see Scott Pilgrim Vs the World. Prior to the movie I had known nothing about the series besides seeing it a few times next to the manga, not really paying any attention to it. I most say I thought it was a pretty good movie and it's outright obnoxiousness really fit very well into it despite my before movie thoughts. I enjoyed the many old school video game references it had as well, all in all I would recommend seeing it, especially if you're fans of video games and what not. I'm kind of curious about the comic now lol.