HIYA! As you can see this is my first post to this world! And I just wanted to say welcome to start off! So..... Welcome! I'm looking forward to posting a lot of cool stuff on here so look forward to it! Also this is still in progess and i willl trying to post on here when ever I get the chance. Feel free to poke around though if you want! Hope you like it!


Guess what?! I was just invited to 'The Lovely Ladies of MyOtaku'!!
I was told to post the banner so... her it is! x3

External Image

Animal Contest!!!

Wow first of all this is just really beautiful! I like the sparkles! *Gives self pat on back* Good job Okitaru! lol Anyways as you know this is my first contest! I hope a lot of people will join and have a great time too! ^.^.
Okay, have you ever thought of what animal you seem similar to, or maybe just some animal that you see yourself as. This contest is all about drawing you as what animal you see yourself as!



1. tracing

2. help from others, its all on you!

3. have fun!



The end point is July 17! Please PM me when you have entered your master piece to is will be judged. Also please put the word "Contest" in its title!

Thank you! ^.^



1st Place- I'll draw you 2 animals, inked and colored.

2nd Place- I'll draw you 1 animal, inked and colored.

3rd Place- I will draw 1 animal, inked.


Hope you all join!
Good Luck and Have fun!!!!!


P.S. if you have any questions please feel free to PM or just make a comment.
