Bad Kharma

Alright, so I'm super excited because heero will be here friday. I'm getting a visitor, and because I'm so excited, God is raining on my parade. First, the clutch on my car went out, so I have my mom's car. tried to start it today, and nothing. What the fuck, right? I've got Jordan's car for the next day or so. God, I'm glad we're still on good terms and he is happy to help me out. My internet went out for like 4 days, but it's fixed now. BAD KHARMA!

I cut back on some hours at work for a bit, and I have been cleaning my house like a MoFo. It rained a ridiculous amount this week. So far a little over 6 inches. We are in a flash flood watch. I live in a low lying area of town that floods, and sometimes I'm really glad I don't have a basement. of course, I'm less glad when tornadoes are about....

I am hating on my job recently. that's all I say about that.

My mom got a job, which is awesome. Once she got a job, the job she had wanted called to interview her... Damn timing is a Bitch!

I have a huge pimple, and that makes me angry. I'm almost 30, I shouldnt get giant pimples anymore.

I'm glad to see Flint hanging around again.

I've been watching Holic and Ghost Hunt recently, both of which I find highly enjoyable.
