What the Hell is Wrong With You?

Alright, so Friday was an awesome day, and now I'm gonna tell you about it, so there. It's kind of like gloating, but really, it's just for the record...

I was ridiculously productive. I paid my rent, I paid all my bills and I filed my federal taxes and I'm getting a hefty refund. It's nice. While Jordn and I were married, we filed jointly and to avoid having to PAY in I have an extra $40 taken out of each check. My e-file says I should have it around the 24th, which would be amazing.

So I got all that stuff done, and I watched "Slumdog Millionaire" which was really great, and I'm mad that I didn't see it in the theatre. While I was watching that, my buddy called and asked if I wanted to grab a beer on a patio somewhere because the weather was so glorious. I took her to The Shamrock, one of my favorite bars. She had never been there, and she really liked it as a bar as well. It's just this nice little hole in the wall dive-y bar, but the people are all cool. While we were there, this older couple invited us to sit at their table. Just nice people...

Sadly we could not sit with them because we were going to take full advantage of the weather and go to the university baseball game. It was kind of a spur of the moment decision. So we went across town, and got an AWESOME parking space. Then as we were waiting to get to the gate to buy tickets, some dude asked if we had tickets, and when we said no, he just handed us a couple of tickets. CRAZY.

The game was fun, but after that we went to a friend of our's home and just hung out until late. I'm a little hung over tonight, but damn, I haven't had a great day like that for a long time.

In other thoughts, I read that Zach Effron was in talks to play Sosuke Sagara, and first I was appalled, and then I thought about it, and it makes a lot of sense...
