Don't disappoint me, I can do that myself.

Alright, so my new laptop is bright and shiny!. If only it could make me type better. I'm liking it so far, although I haven't had much chance to play with it at this point. I hate the part where I have to reset up all my book marks and move things over that I really want to keep. That will have to wait for the weekend.

Friday is Good Friday, and my favorite church service of the entire year. I miss Catholic school for the fact that Holy Week was a big deal and I did have to go to school. BTW-- happy Easter if I forget to post then.

I think if I could get rid of all the crud in my sinuses I would lose 7 pounds...I dislike this time of year because I can't tell if it's a cold or allergies.

I'm trying desperately to get off for my nephew's First Communion on April 26th, but I'm waitlisted. I can't trade anyone because I have to g to KC at the end of the week. I'm praying to several deities that I get smiled upon and it works out. I'm going, whether work likes it or not.

It's deceivingly sunny outside lately. You walk outside and it's frigid. The sun is a LIAR!
